Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.5, No.1
Psychologická práce s klienty azylového domu
Counselling and Psychological Services for Clients at the Shelter Home
Fonferová, Ľudmila
Příspěvek se zabývá psychologickým přístupem v práci s klienty
azylového domu pro rodiny s dětmi. Popisuje možnosti této práce v konkrétním
socioterapeutickém prostředí Azylového domu v Horních Počernicích. Představuje
fungující koncepci psychologické práce se všemi klienty a její typické výsledky.
Celou prací se prolíná téma rozdílnosti několika přístupů pomáhajících profesí v
azylovém domě se zaměřením na místo psychologického a terapeutického přístupu v rámci
sociálních služeb. V závěrečné části jsou tyto rozdíly, možnosti a omezení
jednotlivých přístupů uspořádány do koncepce trojrozměrného modelu s navzájem
propojenými proměnnými, kdy socioterapeutické prostředí azylového domu představuje
šířku, sociální práce výšku a psychologická práce hloubku.
Klíčová slova:
azylový dům, socioterapeutické prostředí, klienti azylového domu, psychologická práce, sociální služby
Problem: The paper is dealing with a psychological approach
to the work with families and their children at a shelter home. It describes the
circumstances and conditions for the work in the specific socio-therapeutic environment
of the Horni Pocernice Shelter Home. The main research question - 'What are the options
of psychological intervention and psychotherapeutic work with clients in the scope of
services offered by the shelter home in Horni Pocernice'- works with the hypopaper that
psychology and psychotherapy have their place within and next to social services. For
clients who use services of this shelter home is this work essential and contributes to
better understanding of their life situation and their social relations. Effectivity of
psychological work in the environment of a shelter home is in a great deal connected to
its acceptance, inner belief and understanding of its real possibilities by every single
social worker. Lack of understanding, distorted expectations both on the side of social
workers and psychologists complicate or even prevent psychotherapeutic work with clients
for whom the requirements and demands of social workers are determining during their stay.
Methods: This paper is based on the design of ethnographic field research. Empirical design
of this research is defined by the premises of the shelter home and the time period from
2007 to 2012. Therapeutic possibilities of clients are examined from the position of
psychologist and psychotherapist of this centre who offers his/her services once a
week for about 5 to 7 hours. The research sample was being created during the
collection of data in the examined period and its analysis when it was early
established with respect to the research question that all available cases typical
for full collection will be included (there were 646 clients in the examined period).
Results: The answer to the main research question concerns two variables which are
related to each other. The target group, which is described with the use of demographic
and social characteristics, and the position of psychotherapy in social services.
The differences, conditions and limitations of various approaches of assisting
professions in the shelter home are organised into a three-dimensional model with
interlinked variables where the socio-therapeutic environment of the shelter home
represents the width, the social work represents the height and the psychological
counselling represents the depth. This paper presents the results of the functioning
concept of psychological work with all clients and its typical results. It describes
and analyses some of the variables which generally work in psychotherapy and which
are specific factors in this environment: relationship between a therapeutist and a
client, variables on the side of a client, used techniques and non-therapeutical factors.
Discussion and assessment of results: The final part evaluates the work of psychologist
and psychotherapist in the context of the socio-therapeutic environment which by its
nature calls for changes. It points out various views of social workers and psychologists
or psychotherapists in their evaluation of co-operation with individual clients and
shows a different conception of relationship between an evaluator and a person being
evaluated which makes those two approaches different yet complementary in the complex of services.
Conclusion: The conclusion brings an assessment of the importance of psychotherapy
in social services as an activity determined by the concept of social work and psychotherapy and their historical continuity in individual countries.
shelter home, socio-therapeutic environment, shelter home clients, psychological counselling, social services