Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.5, No.1
Morálna inteligencia v kontexte verifikovania psychometrických vlastností dotazníka na jej meranie a vybraných demografických ukazovateľov v slovenských podmienkach
Moral Intelligence in the Context of Its Questionnaire Psychometric Properties Verification and of Chosen Demographic Variables in the Slovak Environment
Kaliská, Lada
Vedecká štúdia ponúka teoretickú a empirickú analýzu
novovzniknutého konštruktu morálnej inteligencie. Verifikuje psychometrické
vlastnosti (faktorovú štruktúru a reliabilitu v zmysle vnútornej konzistencie
a test-retestovej stability) jediného dostupného dotazníka na jej meranie,
Moral Competence Inventory (MCI) od D. Lennicka a F. Kiela (2008), u vybranej
stredoškolskej populácie (N=209). Taktiež analyzuje rozdiely v celkovej úrovni
morálnej inteligencie a v dvoch extrahovaných faktoroch (osobnostných a sociálnych
morálnych kompetenciách) vzhľadom na pohlavie probandov, ich vek a vierovyznanie.
Zistenia poukazujú na rozdiely v osobnostných a sociálnych morálnych kompetenciách
v prospech dievčat a starších žiakov zistených prostredníctvom slovenskej verzie
dotazníka MCI s dostatočnou mierou reliability.
Klíčová slova:
morálna inteligencia, osobnostné a sociálne morálne kompetencie, dotazník MCI, reliabilita, faktorová štruktúra, pohlavie, vek, vierovyznanie, adolescentná mládež
The interest in intelligence construct operationalization
is reflected in construction upon new intelligence concepts analyzing it in a
wider social context. This scientific study offers the theoretical and empirical
analysis of a newly created construct of moral intelligence. Moral intelligence
concept was founded in the Multiple Intelligence Theory of H. Gardner (1985), being
followed by L. Kuckovsky, A. Dobrin, V. Di Norcia and others in historical-philosophical-evolution-theological
context, by D. Lennick, F. Kiel, C. Veach and others in successful management context
and by A. Hass, M. Borba, R. Coles, J. Bradshaw and others in school-counselling context.
Subsequently moral intelligence is defined as an individual's ability to solve ethical
problems ethically right.
The application of ethical principles in successful business management formed a
theoretical base for moral intelligence characterized by D. Lennick a F. Kiel (2008).
They created also a self-report questionnaire Moral Competence Inventory (MCI) to
assess personal moral competences as a base of moral intelligence. The study provides
the results of psychometrical properties (factor structure and reliability in the
sense of inner consistency and test-retest result stability) of the Slovak, the only
available, questionnaire for moral intelligence assessment at a chosen adolescent
research sample (N=209). It also analyses the differences in total moral intelligence
level and two newly extracted factors (personal and social moral competences) in
relation to gender, age and religious believes referring to the fact the MCI authors
presupposed that there is no relation between moral competences and demographic factors
(gender, age, nationality or religion, 2005).
The findings prove the significant
differences in the overall level of moral intelligence (p≤0,01) and in factors of
personal (Standing up for what is right (Courage), p≤0,01) and social (Helping others
(Service), p≤0,01 and Actively caring about others (Kindness and Friendliness), p≤0,001)
moral competences in favor of girls and in personal moral factors (Telling the truth
(Honesty), Standing up for what is right (Courage) and Keeping promises (Trustworthy),
p≤0,01) in favor of older students (confirmed also by Cohen's effect size measure)
assessed by the Slovak version of MCI questionnaire with its sufficient reliability
(test-retest result stability (0,591≤R≤0,745) and inner consistency of two extracted
factors (0,70≤α)). There were no significant differences between two groups of religious
and non-religious ones in their moral competences, besides expected declared religious
interest of believers in Recognizing spiritual needs (Faith and reverence) factor (p≤0,001).
The study is being considered as a pilot study for further psychometrical property
verification of the MCI Slovak version by other validating researches to prove the
legitimacy of this questionnaire usage for psychological diagnostic purposes.
moral intelligence, personal and social moral competences, MCI questionnaire, reliability, factor structure, gender, age, religion, adolescent youth