Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.5, No.1
Vzťahová väzba a agresívne prejavy v období mladšej dospelosti- "čiastkové výsledky"
Attachment and Aggressive Manifestations in Younger Adulthood - "Preliminary Findings"
Lorincová, Tatiana
Hlavnou témou príspevku bola komparácia retrospektívnej
vzťahovej väzby (emočná vrelosť a odmietanie) a agresívnych prejavov (fyzická
agresivita, verbálna agresivita, hnev a hostilita) v období mladšej dospelosti.
Na zber údajov sme použili dva dotazníky, konkrétne dotazník s.E.M.B.U, ktorý meral
retrospektívnu vzťahovú väzbu a Dotazník agresivity, ktorý zisťoval jednotlivé
agresívne prejavy. Prostredníctvom štatistických analýz sme dospeli k výsledkom,
ktoré sú čiastkovými výsledkami širšieho výskumu, a ktoré poukazujú na štatisticky
významné rozdiely medzi emočne vrelou vzťahovou väzbou a odmietavou vzťahovou
väzbou v úrovni fyzickej agresivity s F = 13,53, Výskumné výsledky odhalili
štatisticky významné rozdiely v úrovni hnevu s F = 11,23 a v úrovni hostility
s F = 24,96, pričom vo všetkých troch prípadoch je hodnota p ≤ 0,05. V úrovni
verbálnej agresivity sa štatisticky významný rozdiel nepotvrdil, pričom p = 0,13 a F = 2,12.
Klíčová slova:
vzťahová väzba, agresívne prejavy, mladšia dospelosť
The main topic of the contribution was comparison
between retrospective attachment (emocional warmth and rejection) and
aggressive manifestations (physical aggressivness, verbal aggressivness, anger
and hostility) among younger adulthood.
Bowlby's theory of attachment was that once a core attachment style develops
in an infant, it will influence and shape the nature of all intimate relations
for the individual moving forward throughout the infant's life cycle. Authors
Mikulincer and Shaver (2011) explain how these primary attachment experiences
would affect future emotional, cognitive and behavioral processes. Secure
adolescents, in comparison to insecure ones are perceived as being less
aggressive. Research has pointed out that secure parental attachment promotes
adaptive psychological functioning. The direct relationship between attachment
security and aggressive/delinquent behaviour is in line with prior evidence
that secure adolescents rate higher in terms of emotional and social adjustment,
enjoy more positive relationships with their family and peers, and are less
likely to engage in externalizing problems, such as antisocial and aggressive
behaviours. On the other hand, insecure attachment is connected with aggressive
and externalizing behaviour.
Hypotheses were formulated on the base of theoretical background and our assumption
was, that younger adults with emocional warmth attachment will have lower level
of aggressive manifestations (physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger and
hostility) than younger adults with rejectional attachment.
We used two standardized questionnaires for data collection, s.E.M.B.U.
Questionnaire, which measured retrospective attachment (emocional warmth
and rejection) and Questionnaire of Aggressivness, which measured aggressive
manifestations. We used statistical analysis and we found statistically
significant differencies, which are preliminary findings from broader
research, between emocional warmth attachment and rejectional attachment
in physical aggressivness with F = 13,53 , anger with F = 11,23 and
hostility with F = 24,96 and in all cases was statistical significance p ≤ 0,05.
We did not find significant differencies between emocional warmth attachment
and rejectional attachment in verbal aggressivness with p = 0,13 a F = 2,12.
Hypotheses were confirmed and it is possible to agree with previous researches, that
secure attachment or emocionally warmth attchment is associated with appropriately and
insecure attachment or rejectional attachment is associated with aggressive behaviour.
attachment, aggressive manifestations, younger adulthood