Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.5, No.1
Sociální opora a emočně vôľová stabilita v období adolescence
Social Support and Emocional Stability in Adolescence
Mičková Zuzana
Zdrojom sociálnej opory v období adolescencie sú nielen citové
väzby k rodičom ale tiež priateľstvo a láska. Uvedené determinanty sa spolupodieľajú
na utváraní osobnosti adolescenta. Za dôležitú osobnostnú črtu vo vzťahu k osobnosti
považujeme emocionálnu stabilitu, ktorá výrazne zasahuje do sociálnych vzťahov a
prejavuje sa spokojnosťou, vyrovnanosťou, subjektívnym prežívaním osobnej pohody.
V tejto súvislosti nás zaujíma ako sa percepcia emocionálnej blízkosti prejavuje u
adolescentov v súvislosti s pohlavím a partnerským vzťahom. Chceme zistiť aká je
percepcia sociálnej opory vo vzťahu k rodine i vo vzťahu k partnerovi. Výskumnú
vzorku tvorili študenti humanitných a ekonomických odborov vysokých škôl (N= 98,
M=23,97; 19 - 24 rokov) ktorí uviedli dĺžku partnerského vzťahu aspoň 1 rok.
Klíčová slova:
emocionálni väzby, rodinné vzťahy, osobnostní črty, adolescent, partnerský vzťah
The issue of anticipation social support is actual topic
because of detection important factors for positive development of personality.
Emotional bonds are getting stronger with perception of social support. Subjective
feeling of positive emotions and relationships is manifest with higher range of
social and mental functioning, emotional - willing stability of personality.
Emotional basement of personality is emotional stability, which represent relationship
with the anticipated social support. The lack of social support make a negative
influence on personality development and personality traits. Positive emotional
relationsthips with parents are important for healthy growth of personality
(Filadelfiová, 2001; Arrive, 2004; Vágnerová, 2000; Langmeier & Křejčířová, 2006;
Grun, 2011; Kraus & Poláčková, 2001; Matulník, 2002; Matějček & Dytrych, 2002).
The meaning of social support and partner's love is confirmed with research. The
meaning of social support in adolescence is replaced from parents to life partner.
Strong emotional relationship motivates, integrates and regulates (Vágnerová, 2000).
Absence of positive and permanent emotional relationship hold the positive soul
steadiness. The signs of soul unsteadiness are destruction of self-esteem and
self-image which manifest unstable emotionality. Subjective survival of emotional
and social disharmony influence mental problems - neurotic disorders, problems
with adaptation, emotional and social problems (Kondáš, 2002).
The goal of research was find out relationship of social support regarding with
emotional-willing stability and adolescence relationships in their family. We
were interested in level of social support and level of emotional- willing
stability and perception of quality family relationships regarding with gender
and actual partnership. The research sample contained with N= 120 respondents
(men = 33, women = 87) in age 19 - 24 years old, M = 23, 97. The next criterium
of research sample was the longiness of their actual partnership (min 1 year),
N= 63 - I have actual partnership; N= 57 - I don't have actual partnership.
In research we used methods: Own Inventory, MOS Social Support Survey (Kožený & Tišanská, 2002),
Personality Inventory (Miglierini, 1987). The Personality Inventory we used because
of focusing on the period of adolescence. We used subscales emotional- willing activity
and relationships in family. We indicate the most important findings in choosed sample
of adolescents. The higher range of perception regards with feeling of confidence.
Other findings regard relationship in social support and emotional relationships to
parents - between range of anticipation social support and emotional relationships
in family exist important correlation, higher perception of social support regard
with positive surviving of emotional relationships in family.
Gender aspect mention to value of parent's behavior - positive evaluation of parents
behavior is a criteria. Important is relationship to parent's behavior. Women - in
adolescence are emotional more unstable and men have higher range of uncertainty and
lower range of optimism and satisfaction.
We found importance in social support regarding with timeliness of emotional
partner's bond. The existence of partnership is connected with lower range of
emotional steadiness, but higher range of perception social support we found
with adolescents with actual partnership. In research was confirmed importance
of social support relate to emotional bonds to parents and importance of emotional
proximity of partner in period of adolescence.
emotional bonds, family relationships, personality traits, adolescent, partnership