Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.5, No.1

Resilience versus "resilientní jedinec": co vlastně zkoumáme?
Resilience versus "Resilient Individual": What Exactly Do We Study?

Novotný, Jan Sebastian

V současné době je resilience chápána jako osobnostní vlastnost, souhrn vlastností/faktorů, výsledek adaptace či proces.
Většina odborníků a také velká část výzkumu resilience vychází z prvních tří pojetí, které ale představují spíše zkoumání "resilientnosti" jedince než samotné resilience. Až zkoumání procesů, probíhajících např. při vzájemné interakci mezi rizikovými vlivy, faktory resilience, důsledky (projevy osobnosti, chováním, přítomností problémů atd.) a dalšími proměnnými umožňuje poznat a pochopit resilienci (skutečnou podstatu toho, jak resilience probíhá). Jinak řečeno, výzkum interakcí mezi rysovými faktory (např. self-esteem), vztahovými faktory (např. vztahové sítě), riziky a důsledky je důležitý pro pochopení toho JAK a KDY resilience působí.

Klíčová slova:
resilience, osobnost, rys, proces

The nature and definition of resilience, despite the extensive 40 years of research, is still unclear. Currently is resilience seen as a personality trait, sum of the traits/factors, result of adaptation, or as a process.
The concept of resilience as personality traits is usually tied to uni-dimensional or "simplex" theories of resistance as Hardiness, Sense of Control, Ego-Resiliency, Self-efficacy, Sense of Coherence, or specific personality traits. Multidimensional concepts see resilience as a complex of personality and social (environmental) factors that work in interaction, complement or replace each other, and, in aggregate, create a comprehensive picture of resilience. The concept of resilience as the result of adaptation examines resilience in terms of the presence/absence of adverse/pathological manifestations, consequences and outcomes in relation to the earlier effect of stressful, risky or otherwise unfavorable situations. Finally, the concept of resilience as the process examines individual's response to risk factors or wounds that are present in the environment. Resilience is thus a process consisting of interactions between individual characteristics and the environment.
Most experts and a large part of resilience research is based on the first three concepts that however explore how "resilient" the individual is rather than resilience itself, since they are based on "diagnosing" or at best dimensional, at worse dichotomous rating of the individual's resilience (within personality trait approach), or on the evaluation of the presence/absence of factors/source of resilience, thereby they are still holding the "diagnostic" approach (within multidimensional approach). Only the examination of processes, such as the ongoing interaction between these risk factors, resilience factors, outcomes (expressions of personality, behavior, presence of problems, etc.) and other variables allows us to understand resilience (the true nature of how resilience takes place). In other words, research on interactions between trait factors (e.g. self-esteem), relational factors (e.g. relationship networks), the risks and outcomes is important for understanding HOW and WHEN resilience acts.

resilience, personality, trait, process