Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.5, No.2

Overenie psychometrických vlastností a faktorovej štruktúry slovenskej verzie dotazníka FFMQ (five-facet mindfulness questionnaire)
The evaluation of the psychometric properties and the factor structure of the slovak version of the questionnaire FFMQ (five-facet mindfulness questionnaire)

Veronika Látalová, Ľubor Pilárik

Cieľom výskumu bolo adaptovať zahraničný sebavýpoveďový dotazník Five-Facet Mindfulness Questionnaure (FFMQ) v slovenských podmienkach, overiť jeho psychometrické vlastnosti a autormi navrhovanú 5-faktorovú štruktúru. FFMQ je určený na meranie konštruktu všímavosť a jej piatich autormi identifikovaných aspektov (pozorovanie vlastných zážitkov, popisovanie vlastných zážitkov, konanie na základe uvedomovania, nehodnotenie vlastných zážitkov, nereagovanie na vlastné zážitky). Po zabezpečení spätného prekladu FFMQ realizovaného v spolupráci s jeho autorkou, sme na súbore 282 VŠ študentiek testovali jeho reliabilitu a konštruktovú validitu prostredníctvom nástrojov určených na meranie vnímanej emočnej inteligencie, úzkostlivosti, alexitýmie a ťažkostí s reguláciou emócií. Následne sme uskutočnili exploračnú faktorovú analýzu (EFA) položiek dotazníka. Ukázalo, že škála FFMQ predstavuje reliabilný a validný merací nástroj. Výsledky EFA potvrdili existenciu piatich faktorov v štruktúre slovenskej verzie FFMQ.

Klíčová slova:
Five-Facet Mindfulness Questionnaure, všímavosť, konštruktová validita, reliabilita, exploračná faktorová analýza

Problem: The aim of the present study was to adapt the English self-report questionnaire Five-Facet Mindfulness Questionnaure (FFMQ - Baer et al., 2006) to Slovak conditions as well as to evaluate its psychometric properties and to investigate its 5-factor structure reported by the authors. FFMQ is used to measure the construct of mindfulness and its 5 facets identified by the authors (i.e. observing inner experience, describing inner experience, acting with awareness, non-judging of inner experience, and non-reactivity to inner experience).
Methods: After having done a back-translation in cooperation with the author of FFMQ, we evaluated its reliability and construct validity within the sample of 282 university female students and via the instruments used to measure perceived emotional intelligence (TMMS; Trait Meta-Mood Scale - Salovey et al., 1995), trait anxiety (STAI X-2; Stait-Trait Anxiety Inventory - Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene, 1970), alexithymia (TAS-20; Toronto Alexithymia Scale - Taylor, Bagby, Parker, 1992) and difficulties in emotion regulation (DERS; Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale - Gratz, Roemer, 2012).
Statistical analysis: The structure of FFMQ questionnaire was examined via exploratory factor analysis (principal component, rotation oblimin). Pearson correlation analyses were conducted to test relationships between FFMQ scale and instruments used to measure related constructs. Cronbach coefficients alpha were calculated to assess internal consistency aspect of reliability of FFMQ scale and its subscales.
Results: It has been shown, that FFMQ represents a reliable and valid instrument. The results of EFA indicated that there are five factors in the structure of the Slovak version of FFMQ.
Study limitation: (a) measurement of mindfulness is self-reported; (b) the findings are limited to a sample of university female students.

Five-Facet Mindfulness Questionnaure, mindfulness, construct validity, reliability, exploratory factor analysis