Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.5, No.2

Uplatnění absolventů bakalářského studia jednooborové psychologie FF OU
Employability of graduates of psychology bachelor study in FF OU

Anna Schneiderová

V akademickém roce 2012-2013 ukončili studium první absolventi jednooborové bakalářské psychologie na FF OU v Ostravě. V roce 2013 byl realizován prostřednictvím Facebooku průzkum, jehož cílem bylo zjistit, kolik a na kterých vysokých školách pokračují naši absolventi v magisterském studiu, především ve studiu psychologie, případně jaké je jejich následné pracovní uplatnění. Od 20 frekventantů, kteří ukončili studium v roce 2013, byla získána data o jejich další kariérní dráze a doplňující informace o studiu psychologie na FF OU ve 100%. Pro zajímavost bylo další studijní uplatnění absolventů korelováno s výsledky studia a s výsledky u přijímacích zkoušek, kde se ovšem vazba neprokázala. Doplňující informace od absolventů jsou či mohou být využity ke zkvalitnění výuky jednooborové bakalářské psychologie na FF OU.

Klíčová slova:
absolventi, bakalářský obor psychologie, studijní a pracovní kariéra

In the academic year 2012-2013, the first graduates completed bachelor study of psychology at Faculty of Arts in University of Ostrava. In 2013 we implemented pilot research on Facebook whose aim was to find out how many of our graduates continue on Master's study of psychology and on which universities, or what is their subsequent employment. Information about later career/study and additional information about previous study in University of Ostrava (OU) were obtained from 20 ex-students who graduated in 2013 (100% of graduates). Because these students were the first bachelor's degree graduates in psychology at OU, we completed also additional analyzes (due to the small number of graduates) that can be helpful for the further development of the course.
Employments and further Master's studies of our graduates in the field of psychology and other humanities was correlated with the exams' results during the study, with the results of final bachelor exam, and results of the admission tests. As we expected, the results of admission tests or continuous exams' during study didn't show to be successful indicator of admission to follow-up Master's studies of psychology. These information however can be useful for further improving of bachelor psychology course in OU. Given that the results of this pilot research are approximate and research continues, the Master's admission results of further classes will be more relevant indicator of the success rate of our bachelor course of psychology. Because University of Ostrava don't have follow-up Master's study of psychology, we perceive as a success of our Department of psychology that 12 of 20 graduates of psychology were taken to the follow-up Master's study, and 9 of them studies follow-up Master's study of psychology at four universities in the Czech and Slovak Republic.

graduates, bachelor of psychology, study and working career