Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.5, Supplement
Spolupráce asistenta pedagoga při integraci dítěte s poruchou chování v běžné třídě
Cooperation of pedagogical assistant during integration of a child with behavioural disturbances in a normal class
Marek Kolařík, Martin Dolejš, Kateřina Motlová, Miroslav Piňos, František Štefek, Barbora Licková
Článek popisuje vliv spolupráce asistenta pedagoga (AP) u dítěte integrovaného pro poruchy chování v běžné třídě. Pro sběr dat byla použita polostrukturovaná interview a fokusní skupiny. Data byla získána od zodpovědného pracovníka KÚ Olomouckého kraje, od pracovníků PPP Bruntál a PPP Olomouckého kraje a od tzv. "rodin", které tvořili vždy rodiče integrovaného dítěte, dítě integrované pro poruchu chování, třídní učitel (TU) a AP. Pro výběr výzkumného vzorku byl použit prostý záměrný výběr. Za silné stránky přidělování AP lze považovat například zlepšení prospěchu, chování či pozice integrovaných dětí v třídním kolektivu. Za slabé či rizikové faktory můžeme považovat například nejednotnost způsobu přidělování AP v různých krajích ČR, nezapojování TU do procesu výběru AP, vyučování dítěte asistentem mimo třídní kolektiv, souběh úvazků u poloviny AP a nejednotné nároky na dítě ze strany rodičů a TU. Na základě většího počtu interview a fokusních skupin, ale i na základě triangulace dat, se podařilo vytvořit velmi komplexní pohled na danou problematiku.
Klíčová slova:
asistent pedagoga, ADHD, třídní učitel, rodiče, "rodina"
This article looks into the problem which is really topical nowadays. There are more and more requests for the assignments of pedagogical assistants to children with behavioural disturbances in a normal class. Nevertheless there is no provement that this assignment of pedagogical assistant is really effective and if the given wherewithal suits the purpose. The article describes the influence of pedagogical assistant´s cooperation upon a child integrated because of his behavioural disturbances in a normal class. For data acquisition the semistructured interviews and focused groups were used. Those data were obtained from responsible employee from county council Olomouc region, from Pedagogical - psychological counselling employees Bruntál and from Pedagogical - psychological counselling employees from Olomouc and also from so-called "families" made out of intergrated child´s parents, integrated child because of his behavioural disturbances, class master and pedagogical assistant. For a selection of research sample the simple intended selection was used.
As good things of pedagogical assistant allotment can be considered for example improving of child´s school evaluations, behaviour or the possition of intergrated child in the class. There is also a problem of the raising the teaching effectiveness in the whole class, active support of pedagogical assistents from the school director´s side as well as great relationships between pedagogical assistents and class children. As weaker sides of this we can consider the disunity of the way of pedagogical assistant allotment in different regions in the Czech Republic, the not participating of class master in the process of choosing pedagogical assistant, the pedagogical assistant ´s child teaching out of the class, poly-duties by a plenty of pedagogical assistant and the different demands from the parent´s and class master´s side. Very important is also the fact that there is still confusion about the unclear given student´s and pedagogical asistant´s authorities as well as authorities among pedagogical assistant and the class teacher. Last but not least there is a problem of the imposibility of measurements of the effectivity connected with the presence of the pedagogical asistent - there are no given rules at all for the effect research, insufficient necking of the educational quality of pedagogical assistents and aslo the insuficience of men at pedagogical assistant positions.The very comprehensive view upon this problem was made thanks to these high number of interviews and focused groups even because of the data triangulation. It seems that the contemporary pedagogical assistants´ assignment setting systém is really difficult, disunited among the Czech Republic and it can be said the there is no control of the effectiveness if the given wherewithal suits the purpose.
pedagogical assistant, ADHD, class master, parents, "family"