Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.6, No.1

Osobnosť a hodnotová orientácia darcov krvi
Personality and Value Orientation of Blood Donors

Eva Hruščová, Monika Kačmárová

Štúdia bola zameraná na skúmanie osobnosti a hodnotovej orientácie darcov krvi. Cieľ práce bol kladený na overenie vzťahu vybraných možných prediktorov (osobnostné faktory – extraverzia, neuroticizmus, prívetivosť, svedomitosť; hodnotové typy – moc, úspech, benevolencia, univerzalizmus; viera v existenciu vyššej moci; vzdelanie) k darcovstvu krvi. Výskumný súbor tvorilo spolu 302 respondentov, z toho 151 darcov krvi a kontrolnú skupinu nedarcov krvi tvorilo taktiež 151 respondentov. Výskumnými nástrojmi boli: demografický dotazník vo verzii pre darcov a nedarcov krvi, dotazník hodnotovej orientácie PVQ 40 a osobnostný inventár NEO-FFI. Výsledky výskumu potvrdili štatisticky významný negatívny vzťah neuroticizmu ku kritériu darcovstvo krvi a pozitívny vzťah vzdelania k darcovstvu krvi. Neboli potvrdené hypotézy, ktoré predpokladali vzťah: extraverzia, prívetivosť, svedomitosť, moc, úspech, benevolencia, univerzalizmus a viera v existenciu vyššej moci ako možných prediktorov darcovstva krvi.

Klíčová slova:
osobnosť, hodnotová orientácia, darca krvi

This study was focused on research of the personality and value orientation of blood donors. The aim of this work was placed to verify the relation between selected predictors (personality factors – extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, value orientation – power, success, benevolence, universalism, the belief in the existence of force majeure, education) and blood donation. In the hypotheses we assumed that predictors of agreeableness, conscientiousness, benevolence, universalism, the belief in the existence of force majeure and education will have a significant positive relation to the criterion - blood donation and predictors of extraversion, neuroticism, power, and success will have a significant, on the other hand, negative relation to blood donation. 302 respondents participated in the survey - 151 blood donors and 151 non-donors. A demographic questionnaire for blood donors and non-donors, questionnaire of value orientation PVQ 40 and personality inventory NEO-FFI were used as research tools. In order to verify the main aim of this work (if predictors are related to the criterion - blood donation) was used binary logistic regression analysis, the method of Forward Stepwise (Likelihood Ratio). The intentions to donate blood, in step 2, significantly predicted only neuroticism and education (Chi-square = 12,508, df = 2, p = .002). In other words, the person with lower score in neuroticism will have a higher intention to donate blood and people with higher education have higher intentions of blood donation. In order to offer more comprehensive view of the topic, we would like to point out the motives of blood donors for their first blood donation and the reasons why non-donors never become a blood donors. The results of research has shown that the motives: helping others; my friends/siblings/parents are blood donors; and appeal of the National Transfusion Service of the Slovak Republic or the Slovak Red Cross, are those, which motivate individuals for the first blood donation the most. The most often mentioned obstacles by non-donors were: a fear of needles and pain; fear of blood and the sight of blood; laziness; and lack of time. The results of our research are in accord with results of Bednall´s and Bove´s (2011) and Sojka´s and Sojka´s research. The results of research confirmed statistically significant negative relation of predictor neuroticism to criterion blood donation and positive relation of predictor education to criterion blood donation. The results of our research are consistent with the findings of Booth-Kewley and Vickers (in Ferguson, 2004), who claim that the individuals with lower score in neuroticism prefer salubrious behaviour (which blood donation belongs to). The results of our research are in agreement with the results of Bekker´s research (2006), in which he also confirmed that individuals who have reached higher level of education will tend to become blood donors more likely than individuals with lower level of education. The hypothesis, which predicted statistically significant relation of predictors: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, power, success, benevolence, universalism and belief in the existence of force majeure to donate blood, were not confirmed. This results are not in agreement with the results of Ferguson´s (2004); Bekkers´s (2006); Balliet´s et al. (2008); Hitlin´s (2003) research. The results of this research are sounding this issue and are applicable on the sample of research without possibility of generalization to the whole population. We propose to continue in research of issue of blood donation and to verify acquired findings on representative sample.

personality, Value orientation. Blood donor.