Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.6, No.1

Percepcia interakčného štýlu učiteľa a subjektívna pohoda študentov

Perception of Interpersonal Teacher Behavior and Students'

Miroslava Köverová

Štúdia v kontexte MITB modelu overovala vplyv študentských percepcií interakčného štýlu učiteľov na subjektívnu pohodu študentov. 472 stredoškolských študentov posudzovalo interakčný štýl učiteliek dvoch predmetov (matematiky a slovenského jazyka) v Dotazníku interakčného štýlu učiteľa a frekvenciu prežívania pozitívnych a negatívnych emócií na oboch vyučovacích hodinách na Škálach emocionálnej habituálnej subjektívnej pohody. Frekvencia všetkých zisťovaných emócií bola štatisticky významne predikovaná študentskými percepciami správania učiteliek slovenského jazyka aj matematiky. V oboch prípadoch viedlo u študentov ich vnímanie dominantného a odmietavého interakčného štýlu vyučujúcich k zníženiu subjektívnej pohody, kým percipovanie dominantného a ústretového správania učiteliek naopak subjektívnu pohodu študentov zvyšovalo. Charakter emócií prežívaných študentmi na vyučovacích hodinách tak vyplýval predovšetkým z ich percepcií interakčného štýlu učiteliek na dimenzii proximity MITB modelu.

Klíčová slova:
interakčný štýl učiteľa, MITB model, percepcie študentov, subjektívna pohoda študentov

Teacher-student relationship and their mutual interactions are important aspects of teaching process. Research in psychology is mainly focused on determinants and correlates of student perceptions of interpersonal teacher behavior. The present study adopts the interpersonal perspective on teaching to explore effects of student perceptions of interpersonal teacher behavior on their well-being. Model of Interpersonal Teacher Behavior (MITB; Wubbels, Créton, & Hooymayers, 1985) is used to explain teacher-student interaction.
472 high school students (202 male, 270 female; mean age 16,72; SD = 0,999) assessed interpersonal behavior of their Slovak language and mathematics teachers (female, with at least 10 years of teaching experience) and frequency of experiencing positive and negative emotions in both classes. It was hypothesized that student well-being (frequency of experiencing positive and negative emotions) in both classes will be predicted by student perceptions of interpersonal teacher behavior.
Participants completed Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) and Scales on well-being. QTI allows to map student perceptions of eight types of interpersonal teacher behavior distinguished by MITB (leadership, helpful/friendly, understanding, student responsibility and freedom, uncertain, dissatisfied, admonishing, strict). In MITB, each type of interpersonal teacher behavior is defined by influence (dominance-submission) and proximity (cooperation-opposition) as two underlying dimensions.
Results indicated that student well-being, i.e. frequency of experiencing both positive (pleasure, joy, happiness) and negative (anger, fear, sadness, shame, blame) emotions was significantly predicted by student perceptions of interpersonal teacher behavior in both Slovak language and mathematics classes. Student well-being in both classes increased when interpersonal teacher behavior was perceived as dominant and cooperative (leadership and helpful/friendly), and decreased when teacher interpersonal behavior was perceived as dominant, yet opposing (strict and admonishing). However, some of the predictors of student well-being slightly differed between subjects. Unlike in mathematics classes, student well-being in Slovak language classes also increased when interpersonal teacher behavior was perceived as more uncertain, less admonishing and less supporting responsibility and freedom of students. On the other hand, when less leadership and more certainty was perceived in interpersonal behavior of mathematics (but not Slovak language) teachers, decrease in student well-being occurred.
To conclude, student perceptions of interpersonal behavior of both Slovak language and mathematics teachers predicted student well-being in the classes. Although perceptions on both dimensions of MITB were significant, student perceptions of teacher proximity as predictors of student well-being seemed more important.

interpersonal teacher behavior, MITB, student perceptions, student well-being