Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.6, No.1

Poruchy príjmu potravy na Slovensku a v Čechách:
Tematická analýza publikovaných odborných článkov

Eating Disorders in Slovakia and Czech Republic:
Thematic Analysis of Published Research Articles

Marta Somogyiová, Anton Heretik, ml.

Článok je venovaný problematike porúch príjmu potravy (PPP) so zameraním na analýzu obsahu, tém a ich vývoja v čase v publikovanej a jej miestu v odborných článkoch ohľadom československého výskumu a praxe. Cieľom výskumu bolo zmapovanie akým smerom sa uberá výskum a jeho praktické aplikácie v tejto oblasti. Tematickej analýze bolo podrobených 58 odborných článkov z Čiech a Slovenska. Identifikovali sme dve základné témy: poznanie o poruchách príjmu potravy a aplikácia poznatkov, ktoré definujú dve hlavné oblasti výskumu. V texte diskutujeme témy ohľadom PPP a ich vývoj predkladané úvahy k doterajšiemu výskumu a jeho aplikácií v praxi, takisto sú načrtnuté oblasti kam by mohol ďalší výskum smerovať.

Klíčová slova:
poruchy príjmu potravy, výskum, liečba

This article is focused on eating disorders (ED) as a research topic in Slovak and Czech scientific publications. The aim of this study was to thematically analyze the development of theory and research in relation to treatment research field of ED for the past 30 years in the two above mentioned countries and identify the current research trends and their applications. 58 articles were analyzed out of 8 psychology journals and 3 yearbooks published between 1993 and 2014. The main research method was the thematic analysis. The themes and discourses were divided into two main areas – the changing discourse on eating disorders and applications in the areas of different treatment and prevention interventions. Both main theme were further divided in subtopics – theories of eating disorders (definition of eating disorders, comorbidity, explanation of occurrence and theoretical context), application (different forms of intervention, focuses and promising opportunities). According to researched articles ED are nowadays seen more as a spectrum of symptoms than a two different faces of the illness (originally anorexia and bulimia was recognized as two main forms). Considering treatment possibilities, in majority CBT was used, however this approach went through different modifications (CAT – cognitive-analytical therapy, DBT- dialectical behavioral therapy), as well as it is used in combination with other methods, e.g. medical treatment. Complex treatment programs specialized on eating disorders are being introduced and different types of treatment facilities are described. Family therapy and its variant – multiple family therapy seem to be the latest trend in Czech republic, but also articles about motivational interview and externalization technique appeared. The important change in area of treatment and prevention appeared with internet and online communication. While advancement in communication technologies brings new possibilities for early detection, prevention and treatment of ED, it also brings the problem of pro-anorectic websites and the problem of lay support through forums and blogs, which while intended to help sometimes brings unproven information and implicitly support pro-disorder eating behavior and attitudes, the trend commented in newer analyzed publications. Analysis of published texts shows that the development of discourse on etiology, classification treatment is in accordance with international trends, there are some specifics mainly in area of treatment programs.

eating disorders, research, treatment