Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.6, No.2
Osobní hodnoty a hodnotové systémy studentů a pracovníků humanitního zaměření
Personal values and value systems of humanities students and workers
Lucie Křeménková
V širším pojetí lze hodnoty vnímat jako principy, stejně jako určité motivační síly, které ovlivňují naše životy. Hodnoty se staly důležitým psychologickým tématem na počátku 30. let minulého století a od té doby prošly v rámci jednotlivých koncepcí dynamickým vývojem. V současné době jsou hodnoty a jejich orientace poměrně hojně zkoumány ve vazbě na ekonomii a podnikání. Relativně málo prostoru je věnováno oborům humanitním ať již z pohledu studia, či zaměstnání. Cílem výzkumného šetření je analýza hodnotové orientace vysokoškolských studentů a pracovníků humanitního zaměření a dále pak zjištění možných rozdílů mezi nimi, a to i v závislosti na faktorech typu zaměstnání, studijního prospěchu a pohlaví. Ke zjištění hodnotové hierarchie, respektive typologie, byl využit Rokeachův dotazník hodnot a hodnotová typologie Mussera a Orka. Výsledky ukazují značné rozdíly v hodnotových systémech v rámci srovnávaných skupin, přičemž za signifikantní lze považovat pouze rozdíly zjištěné v rámci pohlaví a následně i mezi studenty a pracovníky humanitního zaměření.
Klíčová slova:
hodnoty, hodnotová struktura, hodnotový systém, Rokeachův test hierarchie hodnot, studenti, zaměstnanci, Musser, Orke
Problem: The aim of this paper is to analyze the value orientation of university students and workers in humanities and then determine possible differences between these groups in the context of branches of occupation, school results and gender. Methods: The sample consisted of 158 university students aged 19-24 years (mean age = 20.8) and 170 humanities workers aged 29-48 years (mean age=36.8). Respondents were divided into following groups: men (N = 72), women (N = 256), students’ school results
A (N = 43), B (N = 47), C (N = 35), D (N = 29), E (N = 4) and worker´s branch of occupation: teachers in the kindergarten (N = 34), special education teachers (N = 32), high school teachers (N = 47), educational workers (N = 31) and civil servants (N = 26). We used a Rokeach Value Survey (RVS) which is designed to measure two sets of values. One set is composed of 18 terminal values or desired end states of existence (e.g., an exciting life, national security), and the other set is composed of 18 instrumental values, or preferable modes of behavior (e.g., being ambitious, independent). Then, subjects are asked to rank order each value as to its importance as a guiding principle in their life. A 1 indicates the most important value and an 18 the least important. Scale responses are considered ordinal.Data were analyzed using SPSS. Results: We analyzed the preference of values depending on the gender. Pearson’s ?2 analyses indicated that men are significantly more (often) „Effective Crusaders“ than women and women are significantly more (often) „Virtuous Advocates“ than men, ?2 (3) = 13.817, p= .003, ?c = .205. After that we analyzed the preference of values depending on depending on the type of employment. Pearson’s ?2analyses indicated that students are significantly more (often) „Virtuous Advocates“ than workers and workers are significantly more (often) „Effective Crusaders“ and „Independent Maximizers“ than students, ?2 (3) = 61.414, p= .000, ?c = .433.Subsequently we analyzed the preference of values depending on the student´s school results. Pearson’s ?2analyses indicated that there si no significant differences among students divided into groups according to the school results, ?2 (12) = 10.695, p = .555. Finally we analyzed the preference of values depending on the type of work. Pearson’s ?2analyses indicated that there si no significant differences among workers divided into groups according to the type of work, ?2 (12) = 12.456, p = .410. Discussion: Analysis confirmed differences in the preference of values depending on the gender and type of employment. These correspond with the results of earlier studies (cf. Rokeach, 1973; Broek & Moor, 1994; Inglehart, 1997; Hitlin & Piliavin, 2004; Schwartz & Rubel-Lifschitz, 2005, 2009; Schwartz, 2006; Hofmann-Towfigh, 2007). It appears that differences in the values ranking in relation to gender are conditioned by various social conditions, education and individual experiences. The last two research questions were focused on the preference of values depending on the study results and the type of employment. In both cases, the mentioned groups showed no significant differences. Thus, we assume that these factors do not affect the preference of specific values. Value orientation is thus more likely to be tied to a deeper personal characteristics or external determinants in socialization. The study results, as well as the choice of a particular job has probably been effected by different motivational factors than those who activate behavior in the direction of preference selected values. Conclussion: The concept of values is still an important issue in contemporary psychology. Although today's Western society is very focused on performance and the current trend tends to support other than the humanities, we believe that the analysis of the structure of values and value system of the humanities is also important because of the large number of students and staff working in these areas. Values are generally a topic that touches every human being and every human action relates to questions of values and how it fits into the broader concept of personality structure and external determinant. Due to the dynamic changes of today's society, it seems that the concept of values will acquire greater importance and probably will go through changes.
values, value systems, rokeach value survey, students, employees, musser, orke