Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.6, No.2

Systematické prístupy k analýze dát z Metódy kritických rozhodnutí

Systematic approaches to data analysis from the Critical Decision Method

Martin Sedlár

Cieľom príspevku je predstaviť, akými spôsobmi je možné analyzovať kvalitatívne dáta získané Metódou kritických rozhodnutí (Critical Decision Method). Najskôr je charakterizovaná samotná metóda, čo poskytuje zmysluplné uvedenie do problematiky. Táto metóda sa používa pri naturalistickom výskume rozhodovania a patrí k metódam analýzy kognitívnych úloh. Je založená na retrospektívnom pološtruktúrovanom interview o kritickej udalosti z práce a výskumník si ju môže prispôsobiť buď modifikáciou vedenia interview, alebo jej syntézou s inými príbuznými metódami. Na analýzu dát sú používané rôzne prístupy a dva z nich sú navrhnuté priamo k tejto metóde zberu dát, a preto sú tu detailne popísané a posúdené. Štruktúrovaný prístup využíva vopred danú štruktúru analýzy, ktorú reprezentuje model rozhodovania založený na rozpoznaní (Recognition-Primed Decision model). Je vhodný pri jasne definovanom predmete výskumu a jeho limitáciou je neodhalenie niektorých konceptov. Prístup vynárajúcich sa tém je založený na metóde zakotvenej teórie a pomáha identifikovať tieto koncepty so zachovaním určitého systematického rámca analýzy. Používa sa pri exploračnom výskumnom dizajne a umožňuje, aby sa koncepty vynorili samy. Jeho nevýhodou môže byť väčšia náročnosť. V závere sú uvedené odporúčania.

Klíčová slova:
Metóda kritických rozhodnutí, štruktúrovaný prístup, prístup vynárajúcich sa tém, analýza kvalitatívnych dát

The aim of the present paper is to introduce how to analyse the qualitative data from the Critical Decision Method. At first, characterizing the method provides the meaningful introduction into the issue. This method used in naturalistic decision making research is one of the cognitive task analysis methods, it is based on the retrospective semistructured interview about critical incident from the work and it may be applied in various domains such as emergency services, military, transport, sport or industry. Researchers can make two types of methodological adaptation. Within-method adaptations modify the way of conducting the interviews and cross-method adaptations combine this method with other related methods. There are many decsriptions of conducting the interview, but the descriptions how the data should be analysed are rare. Some researchers use conventional approaches like content analysis, grounded theory or individual procedures with reference to the objectives of research project. Wong (2004) describes two approaches to data analysis proposed for this method of data collection, which are described and reviewed in the details. They enable systematic work with a large amount of data. The structured approach organizes the data according to an a priori analysis framework and it is suitable for clearly defined object of research. Each incident is studied separately. At first, the decision chart showing the main decision points and then the incident summary are made. These decision points are used to identify the relevant statements from the transcript, which are analysed in terms of the Recognition-Primed Decision Model. Finally, the results from all the analysed incidents are integrated. The limitation of the structured approach is it may not reveal some interesting concepts. The emergent themes approach helps to identify these concepts while maintaining a systematic framework for analysis and it is used for exploratory research design. It is based on the grounded theory which it shares with only that it enables the concepts to emerge themselves. All incident are analysed at the same time. At the beginning of the procedure it is necessary to find broad themes and within them to identify specific themes with relevant excerpts from the transcripts, which are then decomposed according to the structure describing the decision making process. In the final stage the narratives are written on the base of the information synthesis. A disadvantage of this data analysis can be greater difficulty, especially for inexperienced qualitative researchers. Obviously, the findings from both approaches should be used to facilitate the nature of the cognitive work. Recommendation are given in the conclusion.

Critical Decision Method, structured approach, emergent themes approach, qualitative data analysis