Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.7, No.1

Šikana na pracovišti a právní ochrana zaměstnanců v České republice

Workplace bullying and legal protection of employees in the Czech Republic

Panajotis Cakirpaloglu, Jan Šmahaj, Simona Dobešová Cakirpaloglu, Denisa Coufalová

Šikana mezi zaměstnanci je subtilním projevem narušených vztahů v pracovním kolektivu. Tato forma viktimizace pracujících v České republice má, podle nezávislých průzkumů, expandující rozměry. Empirické poznatky zpravidla směřují k odhalení prevalence, forem či směru agrese a četných psychických, zdravotních a dalších důsledků viktimizace, zejména z hlediska různých sociálně demografických ukazatelů. Tyto souvislostí verifikuje rozsáhlé psychologické šetření na souboru N=3746 zaměstnanců v ČR pomocí dotazníku negativního chování NAQ (Negative Act Questionnaire) a statusového dotazníku. Výzkum potvrdil 12,14% výskyt viktimizovaných zaměstnaných ve veřejném, soukromém a neziskovém sektoru. Poslední část příspěvku otevírá, pro současné odborné zaměření, chybějící a zároveň velmi významný rozměr právní ochrany zaměstnanců v ČR.

Klíčová slova:
agrese, mobbing, ochrana, organizace, právo, viktimizace, zákon

Workplace bullying is a subtle manifestation of disturbed relationships in the working collective. This form of victimization of employees in the Czech Republic has, according to independent surveys, expanding dimensions. Empirical evidence generally tends to reveal the prevalence, forms and direction of aggression as well as numerous psychological, health and other consequences of victimization, especially in terms of various socio-demographic indicators. The presented study verifies extensive psychological survey on the sample of N = 3746 employees from the private, public and non-profit sectors in the Czech Republic, using a questionnaire of negative acts NAQ (Negative Act Questionnaire) and a status questionnaire. The research confirmed a 12, 14% prevalence of bullying in the workplace in the Czech Republic. There is a balanced representation of men and women in the incidence of bullying, while the highest rates of bullying are reported within the state sector. Victimization in the workplace affects mostly ordinary workers, aged around 42 years, with secondary or higher education. The Czech Republic has not yet made workplace bullying an illegal practise, especially in comparison with other industrialized countries, where since 1990, mobbing is considered a criminal offense. Existing laws in the Czech Republic also do not recognise the concept of mobbing or bossing and therefore do not define these concepts closer. The prohibition of bullying in the workplace necessarily derives from the general provisions of the Anti- Discrimination Act, of the Civil Code, the Labour Code and the laws arising from administrative law. Victims of workplace bullying also get protection by some provisions of the Criminal Code, which protects the victim from aggressor offenses. The relevant legal norm is intended to act as a social regulator, partly preventively in terms of taking measures for the successful identification and elimination of conditions of a possible victimization of employees, as well as their social support and care, and also subsequently, by penalties. Part of an effective prevention is to strengthen publicity and education of the employees as to the causes and consequences of mobbing, including information on how to recognize bullying in the workplace, how to fight it and which salute-

aggression, law, mobbing, organization, protection, victimization