Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.7, No.1
Súvislosti vzťahovej väzby a manželskej spokojnosti u zosobášených párov
Relationships between attachment and marital satisfaction in married couples
Patrícia Gallerová, Peter Halama
Štúdia skúmala súvislosti medzi vzťahovou väzbou a spokojnosťou v manželstve. Cieľom
bolo priblížiť vzťah medzi vzťahovou väzbou a manželskou spokojnosťou daného
jednotlivca a jeho manžela/ky, ako aj súvislosti medzi vzťahovou väzbou v detstve a
spokojnosťou v manželstve. Výskumu sa zúčastnilo 78 manželských párov, teda 156
osôb. Vzťahová väzba s matkou a otcom v detstve bola zisťovaná pomocou metódy
nazvanej História vzťahovej väzby (Granqvist & Kirkpatrick, 2004), vzťahová väzba v
dospelosti bola meraná Dotazníkom skúsenosti v blízkych vzťahoch (Brennan, Clark, &
Shaver, 1998) a na zistenie miery spokojnosti v manželstve bola použitá Kansaská škála
manželskej spokojnosti (Schumm, Bollman, & Jurich, 1997) a Index hodnotenia
manželskej kvality (Norton, 1983). Výsledky nášho výskumu naznačujú, že bezpečná
vzťahová väzba súvisí s vyššou manželskou spokojnosťou. Naopak, vyhýbavý štýl
vzťahovej väzby súvisí s nižšou mierou manželskej spokojnosti. Vzťah medzi
manželskou spokojnosťou a vzťahovou väzbou v detstve sa nepreukázal.
Klíčová slova:
manželská spokojnosť, vzťahová väzba v detstve, vzťahová väzba v dospelosti
Theory of attachment strongly influences exploring of close relationships in childhood
and in adulthood as well. According Bowlby attachment is "lasting relationship bond
characterized by need of seeking and maintaining proximity with a person in stressful
situations especially (Bowbly, 2010). Hazan a Shaver (1987) applied theory of early
attachment in romantic relationships of adults. Behavior of adult human in relationships
is more or less predictable by style of attachment in childhood (Feeney, 1999). Brennan,
Clark a Shaver (1998) created four-dimensional model of attachment which was based on
Ainsworth´s theory as well. The model was formed of two dimensions - anxiety and
avoidance. The authors identified four types of attachment: secure, fearful, dismissive and
preoccupied style of attachment (Brennan, Clark, & Shaver, 1998). Satisfaction in
romantic relationship can be explained as a degree in which is relationship for a human
enojyable. Attachment influences satisfaction in relationship in terms of meeting need of
proximity and safety (Mikulincer, Florian, Cowan, & Cowan, 2002). Several researches
show that safe attachment is associated with higher satisfaction in marriage and on the
other hand people with insecure style of attachment show lower degree of satisfaction in
relationship (Alexandrov, Cowan, & Cowan, 2005; Treboux, Crowell, & Waters, 2004).
At the same time style of attachment of the partner also influences individual a lot,
satisfaction does not depend only on his own style of attachment but also on attachment
of his partner (Farinelli, & McEwan, 2009). The study examined relations between the
relationship attachment and marital satisfaction. The goal was to explain the relationship
between the adult attachment and marital satisfaction of the individual and her/his
husband/wife. The research examined relationship between adult attachment and marital
satisfaction as well. Quantitative questionnaire survey: The battery consisted of four selfrepot
questionnaires. The childhood attachment was measured by Attachment History
Paragraphs (Granqvist & Kirkpatrick, 2004), adult attachment was measured by The
Experiences in Close Relationships Questionnaire (Brennan, Clark, & Shaver, 1998) and
satisfaction in marriage was measuredby two measures: Quality Marriage Index (Norton,
1983) and Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale (Schumm, Bollman, & Jurich, 1997).The
research sample consisted of 78 heterosexual married couple, together 156 people. The
average length of marriages is 20.76 years. Participants were instructed to complete the
questionnaires independently. The relations between variables were examined by
correlation analysis and cluster analysis. People with a secure attachment style and their
partners were most satisfied with their marriages. Our study showed relation between
dismissive attachment style and low level of marital satisfaction for the individual, and
for the partner of the examined one. The results of our study did not suggest any
relationship between childhood attachment and marital satisfaction. The results indicate
that secure attachment style is related to higher level of relationship satisfaction, in spite
of stressful situation or demanding changes which are occurring in marriage. People with
insecure attachment style devote a lot of effort to reinforce marital and couple
relationship stability during difficult situations in relationship. Connection between
marital satisfaction and childhood attachment has not been proven. The reason may be
that childhood attachment is not always totally stable and it can be changed by life
experience or personal characteristics of the individual. Our research confirmed that
attachment is related to satisfaction in marriage. Research of relationship between
attachment and factors affecting marriage is very beneficial, because new finding in this
topic can help in clinical practice.
marital satisfaction, childhood attachment, adult attachment