Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.7, No.1

Osobnosť, depresivita a problematické používanie internetu

Personality, depression and problematic internet use

Viktória Kopuničová, František Baumgartner

Problematické používanie internetu (PIU - Problematic internet use) je považované za relatívne novú oblasť rizikového správania, ktorá sa zaoberá nekontrolovateľným používaním internetu s negatívnymi dopadmi na jednotlivca (Caplan, 2010). Príspevok sa zameriava na skúmanie vzťahov medzi faktormi osobnosti, depresivitou a PIU u študentov stredných a vysokých škôl v ostravskom regióne a ktoré z týchto faktorov predikujú PIU v našej vzorke študentov. Výskumu sa zúčastnilo 279 respondentov (79,9% žien, M = 18,5 roka, SD = 2,73). Pri zbere údajov bola použitá batéria testov - faktory osobnosti boli merané prostredníctvom dotazníka HEXACO (Ashton & Lee, 2009), depresivita bola meraná modifikovanou verziou Beckovho inventáru depresie (MBDI, Schmitt, Beckmann, Dusi, Maes, Schiller & Schonauer, 2003), problematické používanie internetu bolo merané prostredníctvom dotazníka GPIUS2 Generalized problematic internet usescale (Caplan, 2010). Výsledky pearsonovho korelačného koeficientu potvrdili pozitívny vzťah medzi depresivitou, emocionalitou a PIU. Medzi osobnostnými faktormi poctivosť-pokora, extroverzia a svedomitosť sa preukázal negatívny vzťah k PIU. Výsledky regresnej analýzy poukázali na štyri faktory - svedomitosť, depresivita, poctivosť-pokora a emocionalita, ktoré vysvetľujú 26% variancie problematického používania internetu.

Klíčová slova:
faktory osobnosti, depresivita, problematické používanie internetu

Problematic internet use (PIU) is considered as a relatively new area of risk taking behaviour, which deals with uncontrolled use of the Internet with negative outcomes (impact) on individuals (Caplan, 2010). This paper focuses on relationship between personality factors, depression and problematic internet use among students of secondary schools and universities in Ostrava region. The aim of the paper was to determine whether personality factors and depression predict problematic internet use among young students. Studies dealing with problematic internet use (Caplan, 2010; Young 1998; Davis, 2001 etc.) show that personality is one of the factor which may be associated with internet addiction or other forms of risk behaviour (Kolibáš, Novotný, 1996; Kopasová, 2000; Hemochová, Vaňková & Drlíková in Výrost & Slameník, 2001). Personality was measured by the questionnaire HEXACO (Ashton & Lee, 2009), depression was measured by a modified version of Beck Depression Inventory (M-BDI; Schmitt, Beckmann, Dusi, Maes, Schiller &Schonauer, 2003), the problematic internet use was measured by Generalized problematic internet use scale (GPIUS2; Caplan, 2010). The research sample consisted of 279 students of secondary schools and universities in Ostrava region. There were 200 (71.7%) high school students while the number of the university students was 79 (28.3%). The mean age of the sample was M = 18,5 years, SD = 2,73 and 79,9% were women. The results of Pearson correlation coefficients showed a positive relationship between depression, emotionality and PIU. Between the personality factors honesty-humility, extroversion and conscientiousness was a negative relationship with the PIU. Results of the regression analysis showed four factors - conscientiousness, depression, honesty-humility and emotions that explain 26% of the variance of the Problematic internet use among our research sample. The results confirm the importance of examining personality factors and depression in relation to the PIU. It can be said, that these findings confirm the importance of examining the modern global social issue - problematic Internet use among students at secondary school and universities. It is also important to pay attention to the occurrence of depressive symptoms in adulthood. Results can be used as a basis for development of preventive programs, education programs or trainings programs, which could help to raise awareness in the field of information technologies and their negative impact on the mental life. This study has several limits. There is unequal representation of men and women as well as greater representation of secondary

personality traits, depression, problematic internet use