Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.7, No.1
Dodržiavanie predsavzatí a zdôvodňovanie ich porušovania
Compliance with resolution and reasoning of its violation
Ladislav Lovaš, Radka Čopková
Primárnym zámerom práce je potvrdenie existencie vzťahov a možnosti vzájomnej
predikcie premenných sebahendikepovanie, sebalicencovanie a odolnosť v dodržiavaní
predsavzatí. Výskum sme uskutočnili na vzorke 121 vysokoškolských študentov vo veku
18 až 30 rokov, ich priemerný vek bol 22,2 rokov (priemerná odchýlka 2,2). V rámci
metodík bol použitý dotazník Odolnosti v dodržiavaní predsavzatí (Lovaš, Čopková,
2012), Škála sebahendikepovania preložená z pôvodnej verzie The Self-Handicapping
Scale (Jones, Rhodewalt, 1982) a nami vytvorený Dotazník sebalicencovania. Koreláciou
hrubých skóre získaných vyplnením sady troch dotazníkov bola potvrdená existencia
negatívnych vzťahov medzi odolnosťou v dodržiavaní predsavzatí a stratégiami
zdôvodňovania ich porušovania – sebahendikepovaním a sebalicencovaním. Regresná
analýza potvrdila fungovanie sebahendikepovania ako možného prediktora odolnosti v
dodržiavaní predsavzatí, avšak na základe modelu sebahendikepovania a
sebalicencovania je možné vysvetliť len malé percento variability odolnosti v dodržiavaní
Klíčová slova:
odolnosť v dodržiavaní predsavzatí, sebahendikepovanie, sebalicencovanie, vôľa
The aim of the presented research is to confirm if it is possible to consider selfhandicapping
and self-licensing as reasoning strategies of resolution violation in the
process of resisting temptation. We have tried to confirm the existence of significant
relationship and the possibility of prediction of resistance in compliance with resolutions,
self-handicapping and self-licensing. We understand resolution as goal intention initiated
and set by individual for himself/herself. Then, resistance in compliance with resolutions
refers to high level of self-control and willpower in pursuing and attaining specific kind
of goals or intentions – resolutions. It is the resistance to situational influences causing
impulsive behavior. Self-handicapping is the self-protective strategy known as using of
situational circumstances for excusing poor achievement. The third discussed term is self-
licensing occuring when past moral behavior makes people more likely to do potentially
immoral things without worrying about feeling or appearing immoral. We have used the
sample of 121 university students aged from 18 to 30 years (average age = 22,2 years,
standard deviation = 2,2). To measure the variables we have used three questionnaires,
the questionnaire of Resistance in compliance with resolutions (Lovaš, Čopková, 2012),
translated version of Self-Handicapping Scale (Jones, Rhodewalt, 1982) and Self-
Licensing questionnaire constructed for the purpose of this research. We have supposed
negative relationship between resistance in complinace with resolutions and both kinds of
reasoning strategies of resolution violation. The Pearson correlation analysis has shown
that there are significant negative relationship between variables of resistance in
compliance with resolutions and self-handicapping (-0,332) (significance level p<0,01).
The less significant negative relationship is between resistance in compliance with
resolutions and self-licensing (-0,129). The regression analysis didn´t confirm the
prediction power of our model (R2 = 0,112), but we can consider self-handicapping as
better predictor of resistance in compliance with resolutions (p = 0,001) than selflicensing
(p = 0,705). We have also been interested in internal consistency and other
psychometric characteristics of questionnaires. The Cronbach´s alpha (CA) was used as
indicator of internal consistency. The value of Cronbach´s alphafor questionnaire for
Resistance in complince with resolutions was 0,846, for Slovak version of Selfhandicapping
Scale 0,776 and for Self-Licensing questionnaire 0,746. We have run used
questionnaures under the factor analysis and we identified three factors in each of
questionnaires. In Self-Handicapping scale we have found factors: Behavioral Self-
Handicapping (CA = 0,756), Claimed Self-Handicapping (CA = 0,628) and Emotions
(CA = 0,724). In Self-Licensing questionnaire we have found Reward (CA = 0,732) ,
Resignation (CA = 0,699) and Compensation (CA = 0,584). Acquisition of our research
consists in enriching self-regulation and self-control research because of using goaldirected
behavior perspective, sepcifically the perspective of setting and attaining specific
goals – resolutions.
resistance in compliance with resolutions, self-handicapping, self-licensing, volition