Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.7, No.1
Domácí násilí z pohledu vývoje a ochrany dětí
Domestic violence from the perspective of the development and protection of children
Irena Sobotková
Přehledová studie se zabývá aktuální, ale u nás dosud málo prozkoumanou problematikou
vystavení dítěte domácímu násilí. Situace, kdy je dítě svědkem domácího násilí, je natolik
závažná, že je klasifikována jako forma psychického týrání s možnými následky
v psychickém a sociálním vývoji. Tyto následky jsou v článku popsány z vývojového
hlediska, přičemž je poukázáno na význam osobní resilience dítěte. Jsou také zmíněna
různá rizika vyskytující se v rodinách s domácím násilím, např. snížené rodičovské
kompetence nebo transgenerační přenos násilí. Ochrana dítěte před domácím násilím
vychází ze zásady preferovat vždy zájem a blaho dítěte. V praxi je však ochrana dítěte
velmi složitá. Existuje řada otázek a citlivých témat, např. kontakt dítěte s násilným
rodičem. Prevence domácího násilí i jeho řešení vyžaduje interdisciplinární přístup.
Klíčová slova:
domácí násilí, děti vystavené domácímu násilí, psychické týrání, vývoj dítěte, rizika, prevence
The article deals with a socially relevant and actual issue of domestic violence with
respect to the development and protection of children. First, it describes the concept of
domestic violence, particularly intimate partner violence, and brings some numerical data.
In spite of the fact that the reported numbers are different, each situation when a child is
exposed to the domestic violence is very unfavorable or even traumatic for him. The
immediate effects are feelings of fear, anxiety, confusion, anger and helplessness.
Younger children often feel guilty for the situation at home. Most experts are convinced
that long-term consequences of witnessing domestic violence are very negative for the
development of child's personality. The exposure to intimate partner violence is
increasingly being recognized as a form of child maltreatment. The World Health
Organization expressed this conviction in 2013 when children´s exposure to domestic
violence was added to the syndrome of child abuse and neglect as one form of psychic
abuse. Further, the consequences of exposure to the domestic violence are summarized
developmentally from early childhood to young adulthood. The typical symptom in
children growing up in an atmosphere of fear and violence is the reduced self-esteem.
Emotional and behavioral disorders are also frequent. It was even proven that children
who are passively exposed to domestic violence tend to have equally severe emotional
symptoms (e.g. depression) as children who are really physically abused. The intensity
and extent of the consequences of children's exposure to domestic violence depend on
several factors, such as age and sex of the child, his resilience, rate of brutality and
frequency of its occurrence, supportive social network of the family and so on. The fact
that reduced parental skills are common in families with domestic violence is pointed out.
Empirical evidence shows that the quality of parenting and the ability to meet the needs
of the child are decreased. Little research attention has been paid to the relationship
between father and child in families where the offender is a man/father. The
transgenerational transmission of violence is mentioned, too. Finally, the possibilities of
child protection and several practical implications are outlined. The most important thing
is to ensure the safety of the child, to protect his/her health, not only physical but also
psychological. The child should understand the situation, which can be difficult due to the
age and intellectual maturity of the child. The primary prevention of violence since
childhood is important, including examples of parents, education for responsibility and
tolerance of differences, achievement of adequate self-confidence and skills to solve
problems. The issue of domestic violence and child protection must be addressed
domestic violence, children exposed to domestic violence, psychological abuse, child development, risks, prevention