Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.7, No.2
Nakupování a sebeúcta
Buying and self-esteem
Karel Hnilica, Pavla Kreklová
V článku jsou analyzovány souvislosti mezi sebeúctou a třemi důvody nakupování, jimiž jsou
navozování kladných emocí (relaxace), redukce negativních emocí (kompulze) a zvyšování
vlastní prestiže (prestiž). Celkem 251 respondentů (200 žen a 51 mužů) ve věku od 14 do 67
let vyplnilo Rosenbergovu škálu sebeúcty (RSES) a Kreklové škálu důvodů nakupování.
Analýza hlavních komponent ukázala, že RSES sestává z korelovaných dimenzí pozitivní
a negativní sebeúcty. Dotazník důvodů nakupování vedl k identifikaci tří očekávaných
dimenzí. Výsledky ukazují, že kupování za účelem relaxace není v signifikantním vztahu
ani s jednou dimenzí sebeúcty. U kompulze se výsledky korelačních a regresních analýz
liší; zatímco korelační analýzy vedou k závěru, že je kompulze v silném vztahu s oběma
dimenzemi sebeúcty, v regresní analýze s žádnou z nich nesouvisela. Prestiž vykazuje
v obou analýzách silný vztah s dimenzí negativní sebeúcty. Výsledky vedou k závěru, že
v konzumní společnosti získává nakupování nové funkce a současně přebírá funkce, které
byly dříve vyhrazeny jiným aktivitám. Patří mezi ně i regulace emocí, k nimž dochází
v procesu samotného nakupování, a zvyšování vlastní prestiže prostřednictvím zakoupeného
Klíčová slova:
nakupování, sebeúcta, prestiž, kompulze, relaxace
Buying can be defined as a process in which money is exchanged for service. Money is in
the process most commonly exchanged for food, clothing, transport, entertainment etc. This
primary function of buying is in modern societies broadened and subtly changed so that
buying takes over some new functions which may overshadow this primary one. Among
these new functions rank high a tendency to regulate by the process of buying both positive
(relaxation) and negative emotions (compulsion, compulsive buying). At the same time, buying
may serve the function of achieving prestige due to the commodities and services bought.
In the technical literature, all of these new functions are theorized to relate separately to
self-esteem. One can therefore ask what is the relationship of self-esteem to these three new
functions of buying. It is the question we tried to answer in our research. It was a study in which we tried to analyze at the same time the relationships of the tree new goals of buying
among themselves and between each of them and self-esteem. At the same time, we put to
the test three hypotheses according to which the striving to achieve each one of these goals
of buying will be motivated predominantly by low self-esteem. In the study there took
part 251 respondents in the age range from 14 to 67 years from a general population. The
respondents answered two questionnaires, the Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and
Kreklová’s Scale of Reasons to Buy. This second scale aims to measure the three abovementioned
reasons to buy. To analyze the psychometric characteristics of both questionnaires
we used PCA (Principal Component Analysis). The results of the analyses of RSES show
that the scale consists of two dimensions which we named positive and negative self-esteem
dimensions. The results of the analysis of the Scale of Reasons to Buy revealed that the
scale consists of the three dimensions postulated, e. g. relaxation, compulsion and prestige.
To analyze the relationships among the variables we used correlation/regression analyses.
Results of these analyses show that the three dimensions of the Scale of Reasons to Buy
correlate highly with one another and that at the same time each of them relates differently
to the two separate dimensions of self-esteem. To summarize: The dimension of relaxation
was not in a significant relationship with either the positive or negative dimension of selfesteem.
The dimension of compulsion correlated rather highly with both dimensions of
self-esteem, but when put in a regression analyzes in which the shared variances of the other
two reasons to buy were controlled these relationships have got close to zero and became
nonsignificant. The dimension of prestige has shown the predicted strong relationship with
the negative dimension of self-esteem. Its relation to the positive dimension of self-esteem
was not significant. The results are in accord with the theories one can encounter in literature.
According to these theories in the modern consumer society the processes of buying has
got some new functions and at the same time assumed on some functions which were
in former societies associated with different activities. Among the new functions pertain
the regulation of positive and negative emotions by the process of buying, and striving to
achieve status and prestige by the results of it (e.g. commodities and services bought). All
of these functions are in the literature hypothesized to relate to self-esteem. The results
of our study show that these expectations may be partly wrong: when controlling for the
shared variances of predictors, the self-esteem scale relate substantially and significantly
only with one dimension or reason for buying, namely with prestige. Those persons who
have low self-esteem are probably predisposed to try to heighten their self-esteem by means
of the commodities and services bought. The relationships of self-esteem to the other two
dimensions of buying may be spurious.
buying, self-esteem, prestige, compulsion, relaxation