Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.7, No.2
Šestifaktorový model osobnosti a psychometrické vlastnosti Revidovaného osobnostního inventáře HEXACO
Six-factor model of personality and psychometric properties of The HEXACO Personality inventory – Revised
Tereza Záškodná, Daniel Dostál
Podle šestifaktorového modelu HEXACO vystihuje osobnost člověka nejlépe šest dimenzí, jsou
jimi: Poctivost-pokora, Emocionalita, Extraverze, Přívětivost, Svědomitost a Otevřenost vůči
zkušenosti. Autoři modelu – M. C. Ashton a K. Lee, upozorňují na možnost diferencovanějšího
postižení struktury osobnosti a alternativu k dalším uznávaným faktorovým modelům.
Představíme tento model osobnosti a Revidovaný osobnostní inventář HEXACO, měřící
jeho šest hlavních dimenzí. U souboru 760 vysokoškolských studentů z České republiky
jsme s pomocí 100 položkové verze HEXACO-PI-R usilovali o zjištění základních parametrů
české verze metody a ověření faktorové struktury modelu HEXACO. Všechny hlavní škály
vykazují vysokou vnitřní konzistenci, faktorová analýza potvrdila strukturu šesti dimenzí.
Český překlad 100 položkové verze HEXACO-PI-R splňuje požadovaná kritéria pro aplikaci
inventáře v ČR.
Klíčová slova:
struktura osobnosti, šest dimenzí osobnosti, šestifaktorový model osobnosti (HEXACO), Revidovaný osobnostní inventář HEXACO (HEXACO-PI-R)
According to the HEXACO six-factor personality model, the personality is best described
by six dimensions. These are: Honesty-humility, Emotionality, Extraversion, Agreeableness,
Conscientiousness and Openness to experience. The authors of the model – Michael C. Ashton
and Kibeom Lee, refer to the possibility of a more differentiated depiction of personality
structure and provide an alternative to other respected factorial models. While the sixfactor
model is commonly used in Canada and in the USA, in the Czech Republic it is not.
In the research, we strived to determine the basic parameters of the Czech version of the
six-dimension method. Furthermore, we aimed to validate the HEXACO model structure
using exploratory factor analysis. The participants consisted of 760 college students (221 males and 539 females) from more
than 20 universities of the Czech Republic (e.g. Charles University in Prague, Masaryk
University, Palacký University in Olomouc). The 100-item Personality Inventory HEXACOPI-
R was used for measurement. It is self-report instrument that assesses the six major
dimensions of personality. The internal-consistency reliabilities (Cronbach’s alpha) for the
HEXACO-PI-R scales were high. The reliabilities ranged from .76 (Openness to Experience)
to .88 (Extraversion) at the factor level. The 24 facet scales in the HEXACO-PI-R were
submitted to a principal axis factor analysis. When these factors were rotated to a Varimax
solution, a simple factor structure emerged (the sizes of the corresponding factor loading
were big, ranging from .46 to .73). The mutual correlations among the six factor-level
scales were low. The highest correlation (r = .28) was found between Honesty-Humility
and Agreeableness. Discriminant validity was established. While the six dimensions of
the HEXACO model showed high levels of the Cronbach’s alpha, some of the facet-level
scales were low. Particularly the facet-levels of Openness to Experience seem a little
problematic; alpha ranges from .40 (Unconventionality) to .62 (Aesthetic appreciation).
But in general, Openness to Experience is the most controversial dimension in terms of the
content interpretation. Ongoing work with the Czech translation of the items covered by this
dimension is needed. To compare the two structures, the Czech and the original Canadian,
we used the congruence calculation. It ranges from .93 (Honesty-Humility, Emotionality)
to .96 (Conscientiousness). The Canadian and Czech factor structure show a high level
of correspondence. Further work with the model should consider the critical comments
concerning for example the inhomogeneous identification of the Honesty-Humility factor in
different languages (De Raad et al., 2010). The Czech version of 100-item HEXACO-PI-R
seems to be usable in our socio-culture conditions regarding its high Cronbach’s alpha, the
validated six-factor model structure and the established discriminant validity.
personality structure, six dimensions of personality, six-factor model of personality (HEXACO), HEXACO Personality Inventory Revised (HEXACO-PI-R)