Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.8, No.1
Výkon bilingválnych jednotlivcov pri psychodiagnostickom vyšetrení kognitívnych funkcií v ich prvom a druhom jazyku
Performance of bilingual individuals in psychodiagnostic testing of cognitive abilities using their first and second languages
Erika Momková, Kinga Izsóf Jurásová
Cieľom práce bolo porovnať výkon bilingválnych jednotlivcov pri testovaní pozornosti,
pamäti a inteligencie v ich prvom a druhom jazyku. Výskumný súbor tvorilo 126 bilingválnych
respondentov s priemerným vekom 17.87 (SD = 7.77), 66 žien a 60 mužov. Súbor bol rozdelený
na štyri vekové skupiny – mladší školský vek, obdobie pubescencie, adolescencie a dospelosti.
Vybrané kognitívne funkcie boli merané slovenskými a maďarskými jazykovými formami
nasledovných psychologických testov: Číselný štvorec, Pamäťový test učenia, Wechslerov
inteligenčný test pre dospelých a Wechslerova inteligenčná škála pre deti. Z výsledkov vyplýva
zhoršenie výkonu pri psychodiagnostickom vyšetrení pozornosti, pamäti a inteligencie
v druhom jazyku bilingvistov a to bez ohľadu na ich vek.
Klíčová slova:
bilingvizmus, druhý jazyk, inteligencia, pamäť, pozornosť.
The aim of the study was to compare the performance of bilingual individuals in testing
attention, memory and intelligence using their first (L1) and second (L2) languages. These
abilities were selected by us based on the fact that they are the diagnostic criteria of many
diagnostic units, e.g. ADHD, ADD etc., so if they are not correctly determined, there is
a chance of issuing inadequate psychological report.
The issue of psychological testing of bilingual individuals is also topical problem in other
European countries, such as the Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Croatia etc., where there
is also a large percentage of ethnic minorities, but also countries outside of Europe, such as
the USA are no exception.
Our intention was to test the implicit assumption that the performance of bilingual individuals
deteriorates during psychodiagnostic testing, if the test is not performed in their first language.
The sample consisted of 126 bilingual respondents with an average age of 17.87 (SD = 7.77),
of which 66 were female and 60 male. The sample was divided into four age related groups
- young school age children, preadolescent, adolescencents and adults.
The selected cognitive abilities were measured by using Slovak and Hungarian language
forms of the following psychological tests: Number Square, Learning Memory Test; Wechsler
Intelligence Test for Adults (WAIS-R) and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC
III). The results indicate a deterioration of performance at psychodiagnostic test of attention,
memory and intelligence using L2 of bilinguals regardless of their age. The conclusion of the
study shows the importance of choosing appropriate language for psychological testing for
bilingual clients in order to eliminate adverse conditions compared to monolingual clients.
attention, bilingualism, intelligence, memory, second language