Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.8, No.2
Revize kvalitativního přístupu v kontextu rozvoje smíšeného výzkumu
Review of qualitative approach in the context of mixed-methods research development
Kateřina Machovcová
Kvalitativní výzkum si v našem vědeckém bádání vydobyl svou jistou pozici. Jakkoliv se
někdy může zdát, že přetrvává odlišení na ty, kdo preferují kvalitativní přístup a na ty kdo
preferují kvantitativní perspektivu, v praxi velmi často dochází k používání obou přístupů,
ať už paralelně nebo konsekutivně, v rámci jednoho výzkumného projektu. Tuzemská
i zahraniční literatura již na tento trend reaguje a mluví se o tzv. třetím paradigmatu (mixedmethods,
v Česku obvykle smíšený nebo integrovaný přístup). V následujícím článku uvedu
rovinu uvažování nad kombinací kvalitativního a kvantitativního přístupu, přičemž k tématu
přistupuji z pozice kvalitativního přístupu. Souhrn východisek kvalitativního přístupu
na základě interpretativní pozice bude následován aktuálními diskusemi týkajícími se
smíšeného výzkumu. Záměrem textu je předložit především zahraniční zdroje uvažující
nad teoretickými východisky výzkumné praxe. Text tak může být inspirativní pro doplnění
a rozvoj probíhajících diskusí v českém prostředí.
Klíčová slova:
kvalitativní přístup, kvantitativní přístup, smíšený přístup, kritická psychologie
Qualitative research has achieved a distinct position in the scientific conduct. Even though it
might seem that there is still a dividing line between those focused on qualitative perspective
and those preferring quantitative methods, in practice both approaches are often combined.
In international literature this trend is reflected in the formulation of so-called third paradigm
named mixed-methods. However tensions still remain and the international debate continues.
This theoretical study departures from the qualitative research position and shares a reflection
on some issues that might come up when trying to combine both qualitative and quantitative
methods. In the first part of the following text principles for interpretative qualitative research
tradition will be reviewed, theoretically embedded primarily in critical psychology. This
philosophical standpoint dwelling in broader critical perspectives invites researchers to
focus on complex data that are openly sensitive towards particular context, and analyze
even extraordinary details. Qualitative researchers are interested in ambiguous moments,
tensions, but also silences and omitted positions. They uncover dichotomies and false
differentiation. Some inspiration for conducting qualitative research in interpretative tradition
is offered, as well as example of research using both qualitative and quantitative methods
with contradictory results is provided. So this parts concludes with stating importance of
knowing ones position towards research and its possibilities. It also suggests that the basis
for mixing methods is not smooth, even if the respective parties are interested in mutual
collaboration and do not leave the option of mixing aside as such. In the next part of the
text, overview on current debates on mixing methods resulting in establishing so-called
third research paradigm is provided. While qualitative approach to research is typically
embedded in interpretative paradigm, quantitative approaches tends to be embedded in
positivism and related streams of thought. In order to reconcile possible contradictions
some authors prefer to adopt a position called epistemological pragmatism. This enables
to leave the discussion on inherent tensions between qualitative and quantitative approach
based on epistemological differences and utilize respective methods to be able to fully
engage their benefits and overcome disadvantages of each of them. On the other hand other
authors acknowledge the possible epistemological conflicts and tensions and suggest to
work with and through them, in the tradition described as dialectic pluralism. In this sense
it seems difficult to use any method as just method, without the epistemological position that
it might evoke. Overall the aim of the study is to introduce international debates evolving
around theoretical background of research conduct with focus on interpretative qualitative
paradigm and mixed methods. Thus the text can be inspiration and supplement for current
debates in the Czech context.
qualitative approach, quantitative approach, mixed-methods, critical psychology