Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.8, No.2
Program Druhý krok jako podpora rozvoje tvořivosti a sebepojetí dětí mladšího školního věku
The Second Step Program as a tool for developing creativity and self-concept in primary school age childrens
Kateřina Palová, Eleanora Smékalová, Dagmar Faastová, Tereza Chobotská
Program Druhý krok vychází z tzv. sociálně-emocionálního učení, je tedy zaměřený na
rozvíjení pěti sociálně-emocionálních kompetencí: sebeuvědomování, sebeřízení, sociální
cítění, vztahové dovednosti a zodpovědné jednání. Tento program je v České republice
využíván od roku 2015. V souvislosti s jeho šířením probíhá řada dílčích výzkumů ověřování
jeho efektivity v různých oblastech. Předkládaná studie shrnuje dva studentské výzkumy,
jejichž cílem bylo ověřit vliv tohoto programu na tvořivost a sebepojetí dětí ve třetích třídách
ZŠ. Pro získání dat o úrovni tvořivost a sebepojetí byl použit Urbanův figurální test tvořivého
myšlení a dotazník Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale 2. Výzkumu se zúčastnilo celkem 77 žáků
třetích tříd, z čehož 46 bylo v experimentální skupině a 31 ve skupině kontrolní. Na základě
získaných dat byl vliv programu Druhý krok na úroveň tvořivosti a sebepojetí žáků potvrzen.
Klíčová slova:
sociálně-emocionální učení, Druhý krok, prevence
The goal of the Second Step Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Program is to promote five
social-emotional skills. The skills are self-awareness, self-management, social awareness,
relationship skills, and responsible decision making. The Second Step Program has been
used in the Czech Republic since 2015. This paper introduces a small part of the research
project carried out by the Psychology Department of Palacký University in Olomouc, called
The Second Step Program – Effectiveness Research in the Czech Republic.
The main goal of the presented research was to evaluate the effect of the Program on
children’s creativity and self-concept. The data were obtained by means of Urban’s Test for
creative thinking and Piers-Harris Self Concept Scale. The research sample consisted of 77
3rd grade students, 46 of them were in the experimental group (they worked with the Second
Step Program for 5 months), 31 in the control group.
After statistical testing the previously defined hypotheses were confirmed, therefore it is
possible to say that the Second Step Program has a positive impact on creativity and selfconcept.
The total creativity score increased by 12 points after 5 months of the program (in
the control group only by 1,5 points). The total self-concept score increased by 4,7 points
(in the control group by 0,4).
Subsequent statistical analyses of self-concept subscales were performed. Statistically
significant effect was seen in Intellectual and School Status subscales; Freedom from
Anxiety; Popularity; Happiness and Satisfaction.
Several factors that might have influenced the results were discussed. Firstly, the number of
participants was quite low. That is the reason why it is not possible to generalize the results.
Secondly, during the second testing period the experimental group was only in the middle
of the program. Moreover, the research was not longitudinal, so only the immediate effect
was verified. Those are factors that might need to be controlled in the future researches.
However, in every Primary Prevention Program there are many factors that cannot be
controlled so easily, such as personality of the program conductor, the examiner’s influence
or the immediate situation (participants´ mood or their weariness).
On the other hand, the main aim of the research was to obtain primary data on the topic and
to set an organisational and methodological framework for other researches and that was
fulfilled. The main recommendations are: to involve more participants in the research, to
make the research longitudinal and to let the experimental group to undergo all program
Even though the effect of social-emotional programs on creativity and self-concept has
not been thoroughly explored and studies on that topic are rare, we believe that it is very
important to understand those phenomena as they are essential for social and emotional
wellbeing of every child. However, traditional researches on the topic, such as the effect
of social-emotional learning on the level of social-emotional skills, or the reduction of
aggression, have an important role as well. That is why the research project of our department
consists of several smaller researches, which will be followed by a research of a larger scale.
Social-emotional learning, Second Step, prevention