Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.8, No.2
Identifikácia stratégií zvládania nespravodlivosti v partnerskom vzťahu
The identification of coping strategies for injustice in intimate relationship
Denisa Rovenská, Ladislav Lovaš
Príspevok skúma, aké zvládacie stratégie ľudia využívajú, keď sa vyrovnávajú s prežitou
nespravodlivosťou v partnerskom vzťahu. Cieľom výskumu bolo skonštruovať dotazník na
zachytenie zvládacích stratégií s následnou identifikáciou faktorovej štruktúry, overením
vnútornej konzistencie faktorov a špecifikovaním charakteru faktorov. Na daný účel bol
zostavený 53-položkový dotazník. Výskumu sa zúčastnilo 207 respondentov s priemerným
vekom 26.77 rokov (SD = 4.72). Faktorové riešenie poukázalo na päť faktorov s uspokojivou
vnútornou konzistenciou: (1) spolupráca (? = 0.848), (2) sebapresadzovanie (? = 0.815), (3)
pomsta (? = 0.650), (4) inštrumentálna opora (? = 0.700), (5) nonšalancia (? = 0.712). Charakter
faktorov bol zisťovaný vo vzťahu k všeobecným stratégiám odrážajúcim zvládanie vo forme
ochrany vlastného Self pomocou metodiky Brief COPE (Carver, 1997) a k stratégiám
zahŕňajúcim faktor interakcie prostredníctvom metodiky Rahim Organizational Conflict
Inventory II (Rahim & Magner, 1995). Verifikácia súvislosti medzi faktormi novovzniknutého
dotazníka a iných metodík ukázala, že vzniknuté faktory korelovali významne a v očakávanom
smere s nástrojmi slúžiacimi k hodnoteniu konštruktov, ktoré možno pokladať za teoreticky
súvisiace s konceptom zvládania. Konkrétne zistenia sú interpretované v texte príspevku.
Klíčová slova:
spravodlivosť, zvládanie nespravodlivosti, partnerský vzťah, faktorová štruktúra, psychometrické vlastnosti
Problem. Injustice appraisals follow from (a) believing that somebody‘s entitlement has
been violated and (b) attributing responsibility and blame for this fact to some other agents
than the person affected (Mikula, Scherer, & Athenstaedt, 1998). Social justice research has
shown that people respond with negative attitudes and behaviors when they perceive unjust
situations. The tradition of socio-psychological research in the context of injustice is focused
on two main ways of possible responses, specifically behavioral or cognitive responses
(Törnblom, 1977). However, coping with injustice in intimate relationships is a specific
topic. This fact has negatively affected the amount of relevant sources in this research area.
Just few previous studies were focused on the analysis of coping strategies that people use
when they have been harmed by a loved one. For example, Pearlin and Schooler (1978) argue
coping strategies involve: (1) self-reliance vs. advice seeking, (2) controlled reflectiveness vs.
emotional discharge, (3) positive comparisons, (4) negotiation, (5) self-assertion vs. passive
forebearance, (6) selective ignoring.
Methods. The contribution is dealing with the development of a questionnaire to identify
coping strategies used in injustice situations in intimate relationships. The intention was
also focused on define the character of identified strategies in relation to: (1) the classic
coping strategies which reflect coping with injustice in individual way (using Brief COPE;
Carver, 1997) and (2) the coping strategies which imply the synergistic effect (using Rahim
Organizational Conflict Inventory II - ROCI II; Rahim & Magner, 1995). 207 participants
with an average age of 26.77 years (SD = 4.72) were involved in the research.
Results and discussion. Factor solution pointed to five factors with satisfactory internal
consistency (1) cooperation (? = 0.848), (2) assertivity (? = 0.815), (3) revenge (? = 0.650),
(4) instrumental support (? = 0.700), (5) nonchalance (? = 0.712). Character of the items
noted that respondents‘ answers did not include just strategies which are used to cope with
injustice in individual way (subjective reduction of consequences arising from injustice), but
especially revealed strategies that describe coping in the frame of interaction (the synergistic
nature of coping). The identified coping strategies correlated with two other constructs (Brief
COPE, ROCI II) in varying degrees. This fact highlights the relevance of conceptualisation
of coping with injustice in intimate relationships as a multidimensional construct which
has important role in series of classic coping questionnaires (that are not able to capture the
subtle differences in coping implying interaction process).
justice, coping with injustice, intimate relationship, factor structure, psychometric characteristic