Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.8, No.2
Hodnota rovnosti jako významný ukazatel politické orientace – vývoj škály rovnosti
The equality as factor of political orientation – The new scale development
Irena Smetáčková, Tereza Komárková
Politická orientace je důležitým vodítkem ve výzkumech postojů a stereotypů, protože
zahraniční psychologické studie potvrzují, že lidé s rozdílnou politickou orientací se liší
jejich obsahem i sílou (Jost, Glaser, Kruglanski, & Sulloway, 2003). Politická orientace bývá
měřena buď sebezařazovací otázkou, nebo hodnocením baterie výroků. V českém prostředí
bylo potvrzeno, že deklarovaná politická orientace s vyjadřovanými politickými postoji
a hodnotami nesouvisí (Vinopal, 2006). Pro bezpečnější interpretaci je proto vhodnější
používat komplexnější nástroje, které prostřednictvím sady položek mapují více aspektů
politické orientace. V českém prostředí chybí psychologicky relevantní dotazník na měření
politické orientace. Článek představuje vývoj nové škály, která se zaměřuje na rovnost jako
klíčovou hodnotu v základu politické orientace. Škála zahrnuje sedm položek rozdělených do
subškály Rovnost a subškály Zachování nerovnosti. Škála koreluje se sebezařazením politické
orientace. Ačkoliv souhrnné psychometrické charakteristiky škály jsou dobré, kvůli
rozporuplnosti některých dílčích charakteristik škála vyžaduje další vývoj.
Klíčová slova:
politická orientace, rovnost, levice, pravice, měření politické orientace
Political orientation is a topic in political science and sociology, however it is an important
concept in psychology as well. Many research results show that people differ in their
values, attitudes, stereotypes and behavior with regard to political orientation (Jost, Glaser,
Kruglanski, & Sulloway, 2003). Therefore it is important to have an effective measuring
tool grounded in psychological concept of political orientation. Unfortunately there is no
such for the Czech society.
Political orientation is defined through two different scales. One is conservatism-liberalism
scale which is entrenched in the USA, other is left-right scale which is entrenched in
European countries (Cottam, Dietz-Uhler, Mastors, & Preston, 2010). In most states, those
two scales correlate strongly. But in the post-communist countries, especially in the Czech
Republic, such correlation does not exist (Bardi, & Schwartz, 1996). Following reasons are
discussed: unstable values due to historical shift; unstable political scene; low reflection on
political attitudes. As a result, there is a gap between self-declaration of political orientation
and attitudes and values referring to political issues. Because of unclear interpretation,
complex measuring tools should be preferred over self-declarative question. The complex
measurements are provided by questionnaires based on a set of statements covering more
dimensions of political orientation.
Usually, two dimensions of political orientation are designated – social and economic.
Social dimension embodies human rights, moral rules and traditions; economical dimension
embodies principles of market. Between social and economic dimension can be disagreement.
That´s why most questionnaires are focused only on one scale or are composite from two
partly independent scales. The equality is usually considered as an element of social
dimension of political orientation. However, we postulate that equality is a basic value which
underlays both social and economic dimension of political orientation. If person considers
people as equal, s/he demands for state-guaranteed mechanisms to support equality. And
vice versa, if person considers people as unequal, s/he defends individualism and a lack of
state-regulations (Hnilica, 2001; Heywood, 2015).
We have developed a new scale of equality. The development followed the quantitative and
the qualitative analysis of pilot questionnaire. The final questionnaire was used on sample of
527 people. The scale consists of seven statements divided into two subscales. The subscale
“Equality” includes following statements: 1. State should guarantee the equal opportunities
for all people, 2. All working people should have the similar salary without regard to certain
occupations, 3. Society should protect people with lower abilities which are necessary for
success, 4. Inequalities are wrong and thus the state should strive for their removal. The
subscale “Preservation of inequalities” includes following statements: 1. Families should
take care of people with low abilities, old people and ill people, not state, 2. State should
support rather talented and active people then people below the average, 3. Poor and socially
weak people are usually responsible for their low living standard. The reliability (measured
by Cronbach Alpha) of first subscale is 0.71, second subscale 0.42 and the scale together
0.42. Other psychometrics (standard deviation, skewness, steepness, discrimination) are
good enough. We found the first subscale very effective, but the second subscale should be
improved. Based on previous research, we expected no correlation between equality scale
and self-declaration of political orientation. However, the correlation exists (r=0.32, p<0.001).
People who claim left political orientation score higher in equality scale than people who
claim right political orientation.
political orientation, equality, left-right, conservatism-liberalism, measuring tool