Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.9, No.2

Osobná viera v spravodlivý svet ako mediátor vzťahu socioekonomického, sociometrického statusu a negatívnych emócií

Personal belief in a just world: mediator of relationship between socio-economic, socio-metric status and negative emotion

Eva Hruščová, Monika Kačmárová, Jaroslava Babjáková

Cieľom štúdie je overenie mediačného efektu osobnej viery v spravodlivý svet na vzťah medzi socioekonomickým (SES), sociometrickým (SMS) statusom a subjektívnou pohodou (pozitívne a negatívne emócie). Výskumný súbor pozostával zo 191 respondentov zo Slovenska (73 mužov a 118 žien, vo veku 16 až 48 rokov, M = 24.47, SD = 5.57). Testová batéria pozostávala z niekoľkých štandardizovaných výskumných nástrojov: Škála emocionálnej habituálnej subjektívnej pohody (Džuka & Dalbert, 2002), Škála osobnej viery v spravodlivý svet (Dalbert, 1999), Škála subjektívneho sociálneho status (Adler & Stewart, 2007; Giatti et al., 2012). Výsledky štúdie potvrdili pozitívny vzťah medzi SES, SMS, osobnou vierou v spravodlivý svet a pozitívnymi emóciami a negatívny vzťah medzi SES, SMS, osobnou vierou v spravodlivý svet a negatívnymi emóciami. Osobná viera v spravodlivý svet bola potvrdená ako mediátor vzťahu medzi SES a negatívnymi emóciami a taktiež medzi SMS a negatívnymi emóciami. Osobná viera v spravodlivý svet ako mediátor vzťahu medzi SMS, SES a pozitívnymi emóciami nebola signifikantná.

Klíčová slova:
socioekonomický status, sociometrický status, subjektívna pohoda, osobná viera v spravodlivý svet

The main aim of the study is to examine relationship among socio-economic (SES), socio-metric (SMS) status, personal belief in a just world and subjective well-being. Also another aim of the study is to verify mediation effect of personal belief in a just world on the relationship between socio-economic (SES), socio-metric status (SMS) and subjective well-being (positive and negative emotions). Research sample consisted of 191 respondents from Slovakia (73 men and 118 women, from 16 to 48 years old, M = 24.47, SD = 5.57). The test battery consisted of a number of standardized research tools: Emotional Habitual Subjective Well-being Scale (Džuka & Dalbert, 2002), Personal Belief in a Just World Scale (Dalbert, 1999), The MacArthur Scale of Subjective Social Status (Adler & Stewart, 2007; Giatti et al., 2012). The data was processed using the statistical program SPSS 21. 0. For testing mediation was used Hayes’s (2016) MACRO process in SPSS. Correlation analysis and mediation were used to verify the main aim of the study. SES and SMS as predictor variables (X), personal belief in a just world as mediator (M), and positive and negative emotions as an outcome variable (Y) were measured by separate calculations. The results of the study confirmed significant positive correlation between SES, SEM and positive emotions and negative correlation between SEM and negative emotions. However, relationship between SES and negative emotions was not confirmed. Also the results confirmed significant positive correlation between personal belief in a just world and SES, SEM and subjective well-being. The results also confirmed indirect effect of SES and SMS on negative emotions via personal belief in a just world. Bootstrapped 95% confidence interval does not contain zero, so the indirect effect is significant at the p <0. 05. We also tested the mediation effect of personal belief in a just world on the relationship between SES and positive emotions and between SMS and positive emotions. In both tested models the mediation was not significant. People with higher SES, SMS and personal belief in a just world experience more positive emotions. If people have lower SMS and personal belief in a just world, they experience more negative emotions. The results confirmed that a personal belief in a just world changes the relationship between SES and negative emotions and SMS and negative emotions. Lower SES and SMS people have, they believe less in a just world and experience more negative emotions. It would be recommended for further research to focus on clarifying mediation effect of personal belief in a just world on the relationship between SES, SMS and well-being on representative research sample. Based on unrepresentative research sample in this study, we cannot generalize the outcomes on the whole population, however study represents first view in the research of relationship between SES, SMS, personal belief in a just world and well-being. We believe that this study contributes to existing literature and results can be used also in intervention program for poverty people with lower SES and SMS. In conclusion authors focused also on the importance of investigation poverty topic in context of personal belief in a just world.

socio-economic status, socio-metric status, subjective well-being, personal belief in a just world