Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.9, No.1
Rizikové správanie žiakov mladšieho školského veku
z pohľadu učiteľov primárneho vzdelávania
Primary school teacher´s evaluation of risk behaviour
in younger school age
Lucia Pašková, Jana Stehlíková, Marta Valihorová
Príspevok sa venuje analýze výskytu rizikového správania u žiakov mladšieho školského
veku na základe hodnotenia učiteľov primárneho stupňa základných škôl prostredníctvom
Škály rizikového správania žiaka (Mezera et al., 2000). Na základe výskumných zistení
štúdia konštatuje prevalenciu agresie u 118 žiakov (z toho 74 chlapcov a 44 dievčat). Bol
zistený štatisticky významný rozdiel (na hladine významnosti ? = 0,05) v premenných
asociálne správanie, antisociálne správanie, impulzívne správanie, maladaptívne správanie,
negativistické správanie ako aj inklinovanie k problémovej skupine v prospech chlapcov.
Štúdia zahŕňa podrobnejšiu analýzu celkového výskytu kategórií rizikového správania žiakov
mladšieho školského veku posudzovaných učiteľom, ako aj rodové rozdiely vyskytujúce
sa v jednotlivých kategóriách správania a tieto dáva do súvisu so zisteniami iných autorov
Verešová & Hušvétyiová, 2005; Čerešník & Gatial 2014; Siquetra et al., 2010; Trentacosta
& Shaw, 2012 a pod.).
Klíčová slova:
rizikové správanie, problémový žiak, mladší školský vek, šikanovanie
In the last few years, it was recorded a significant increase of aggression, bullying, intolerance
and other forms of inappropriate behaviour in children in primary and secondary schools.
Problems at schools which are solved too late, or more often not solved at all, frequently
cause not only the masking of these phenomena and thus provide support to aggressors but
also the demotivation of teachers, burnout syndrome, dissatisfaction at work and so on.
This study is trying to analyse an incidence of problem behaviour pupils in younger school
age. Its aim is to present the results of our broadly conceived research which had the goal of
ascertaining the opinions of teachers on the characteristics of aggression in younger schoolage
pupils and the evaluation of risky behaviour of pupils by the primary school teachers.
To get this information, was used a scale of risky behaviour (Mezera et al., 2000). The
research sample consisted of 118 younger school-age children in the third and fourth classes
and of teachers from the primary schools in the Slovak. It was 74 boys and 44 girls with
problems in behaviour. Based on our findings and observation of intersexual differences,
it is possible to say that in the research sample, boys achieved higher mean scores in all
categories. In the process of verification of statistical significant differences, such differences
were indicated in favour of boys in all categories of risky behaviour except that of egocentric
behaviour. These findings correspond with those of Verešová (2002), Slovíková (2013) as
well as Čerešník and Gatial (2014), who researched the pubescent population. Statistically
significant differences (0.05) in favour of boys were found in the following variables: asocial
behaviour, antisocial behaviour, impulsive behaviour, maladaptive behaviour, negativistic
behaviour, and inclination to a problem group. The authors acknowledges the limits of their
research due to which it is not possible to further categorise and compare the research sample
according to the class or the school the pupils attend. Therefore is possible propose that
further research should be undertaken with focus on pupils’ conduct grade and disciplinary
measures (not) imposed on them as well as on the extent of their unexcused lesson absence.
The results of research confirmed the necessity to pay the same kind of attention to both
boys’ and girls´ expressions of aggression and do not attribute aggressive behaviour to boys
more than to girls.
risk behaviour, pupil with problems in behaviour, young school age, aggression