Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.9, No.1
Školské sebapoňatie a kvalita interpersonálnych vzťahov
Academic self-concept and quality of interpersonal relationships
of adolescent
Miroslava Balážová, Marta Popelková
Obdobie adolescencie sa vyznačuje nárastom významu interpersonálnych vzťahov,
formovaním self a stupňovaním dôležitosti školského sebapoňatia ako jednej z dimenzií
celkového sebapoňatia. Cieľom štúdie bolo skúmať vzťahy medzi školským sebapoňatím
a kvalitou interpersonálnych vzťahov s rodičmi, kamarátmi a spolužiakmi u dospievajúcich
chlapcov a dievčat. Výskumu sa zúčastnilo 104 gymnazistov (48 chlapcov a 56 dievčat) vo
veku 15–20 rokov (AM=17.62; SD=1.10). Použité boli dotazníky Academic Self-Concept
Questionnaire (Liu & Wang, 2005) a Quality of Relationship Inventory (Pierce, Sarason,
& Sarason, 1991). Výsledky ukázali, že dimenzia školské úsilie u chlapcov má pozitívny
vzťah s hĺbkou vzťahu s matkou aj s otcom a školské úsilie u dievčat má pozitívny vzťah
s podporou a hĺbkou vzťahu so spolužiakmi. Dospievajúci chlapci a dievčatá sa nelíšili
v školskom sebapoňatí. Dievčatá dosahovali vyššie skóre v dimenziách podpora a hĺbka
vzťahu s matkou a s kamarátmi.
Klíčová slova:
školské sebapoňatie, kvalita interpersonálnych vzťahov, adolescencia
Adolescence is a period which is characterized by an increase in the importance of
interpersonal relationships and by search for a balance between relationships with parents
and peers. At the same time, self is being formed and the importance of academic selfconcept
as one of the dimensions of the total adolescent‘s self-concept is increasing. The
aim of study was explore relations between total academic self-concept and its dimensions
(academic effort and academic confidence) and quality of interpersonal relationships
with significant people in adolescent‘s life (mother, father, friends and classmates) and its
dimensions (support, depth and conflicts). These relations were explored separately for
adolescent boys and girls. Intersexual differences in academic self-concept and quality of
relationships (including their dimensions) were studied too. Research sample was made
by 104 grammar school pupils (48 boys and 56 girls). All four grades of high school were
represented in the sample. Respondents were aged from 15 to 20 years old (AM=17.62;
SD=1.10). Two measures were used – Academic Self-Concept Questionnaire (Liu & Wang,
2005) for exploring of adolescent‘s academic self-concept and its dimensions and Quality of
Relationship Inventory (Pierce, Sarason, & Sarason, 1991) for exploring of adolescent‘s view
on quality of his or her relationship with mother, father, friends and classmates. Spearman
correlation coefficient, Mann-Whitney‘s U-test and Student‘s independent sample t-test were
used for statistical analysis. These results indicated that secure attachment and closeness
to both of parents (characteristic for dimension depth of relationships) are associated with
higher interest in school, motivation to activity on lessons and higher effort to meet school
responsibilities in adolescent boys. Academic effort has positive relationship with support and
depth of relationship with classmates in adolescent girls. These findings indicate that positive
clime in class is important for interest in school and efforts to meet school responsibilities
of adolescent girls. Girls are probably compared with classmates and their support and
acceptance affects girls‘ academic self-concept more than in case of adolescent boys.
Total academic self-concept and academic confidence aren‘t associated with dimensions
of quality of relationships with parents and friends for adolescent boys and girls. These
findings indicate that confidence in one‘s own school abilities is associated with another
variables for pupils. On the parents‘ side, it can be interest, communication, expectations or
feedback about school and school responsibilities. On the peers‘ side, it can be support or
evaluation of school performance and success. On the teacher‘s side, it can be expectations,
feedback or support. Our findings indicate that adolescent boys and girls don‘t differ in total
academic self-concept. Girls reported higher effort and interest in lessons, and they pay more
attention to teachers (higher score in dimension academic effort), while boys reported higher
confidence in their own school abilities (higher score in dimension academic confidence).
These differences in dimensions of academic self-concept weren‘t significant. Adolescent
girls reached higher level in dimensions of quality of interpersonal relationships – support
and depth of relationship with mother and friends. Adolescent boys and girls perceived their
relationships with classmates as less supportive and less close compared to relationships
with parents or friends. These findings are in line with observations of teachers and school
psychologists who point to worsening relationships in school classes.
academic self-concept, quality of interpersonal relationships, adolescence