Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.10, No.2 | DOI: 10.15452/PsyX.2019.10.0010 |
Zvládání předpojetí a jiných náročných situací u dětí
a dospívajících s normální tělesnou hmotností
a s nadváhou a obezitou
Coping with Biases and Other Difficult Situations in Children and
Adolescents with Normal Body Weight, Overweight and Obesity
Hana Včelařová, Panajotis Cakirpaloglu
Předpojetí provází člověka všedními situacemi i těmi, které jsou hodnoceny jako náročné.
Z hlediska intenzity vlivu jsou předsudky srovnávány s problémy, kterým čelí lidé
s kognitivním nebo s fyzickým postižením. Způsoby, jakými viditelná stigmata ovlivňují
vývoj a zralou podobu copingových strategií populace s nadváhou a obezitou, zatím nebyly
dostatečně prozkoumány. Starší studie dokladují, že stigmatizovaná část populace užívá
kompenzace a některé typické strategie zvládání, které chrání před poškozováním a vedou
k dosažení psychologicky žádoucích i jiných cílů. Na tato východiska navazují současné
výzkumy copingových strategií u dětí a dospívajících s normální hmotností a s nadváhou
a obezitou. Studie realizované v celkovém kontextu výše uvedené problematiky jsou sice
na počátku, ale přesto již přinesly v praxi využitelná zjištění a proto je vhodné v nich pokračovat.
Klíčová slova:
Copingové strategie, děti a dospívající, nadváha, obezita, stigma.
A preconception guides a person through everyday situations, even thouse that are judged
to be more demanding and require more energy and skills to deal with them. In terms of
intensity of their impacts, prejudices are compared with the problems faced by people with
cognitive or physical disabilities.
The ways in which visible biases affect the development and final form of the child and
adolescent coping strategies have not been yet sufficiently explored. Overweight and
obesity are such visible signs. Compensation and coping strategies are designed to protect
against continued deterioration and to achieve psychologically desirable and other goals for
the disadvantaged population. We are persuided, that (in terms of our paper) the findings of current research into coping
strategies in children and adolescents with normal body weight are also important, because
without this knowledge it is not possible to assess the differences of the compared population.
All current studies of coping strategies in children and adolescents, that are the part of this
paper, were selected with regard to the academic, social and, in some cases, to the health
contexts, too.
In children and adolescents with normal body weight, some authors find evidence, that the
age of 9–11 years is a period of extraordinary importance in terms of coping strategies. This
is particularly true in situations of academic stressors, where there is a particularly strong
increase in the Active and Direct Problem Solving, and, at the same time, (in situations of
social stressors), the strateg ies of the Avoidance and the Emotion control against anger
decrease. Research in the on-line
coping strategies in children with normal body weight in
the children of 10–16 years aimed attention to the potential phasing of some classic strategies
(in the context of cyberbullying). On-line
interactions enabling video communication
and ways of their use in children and adolescents with visible stigmata are discussed.
The results also suggest, that while coping strategies in overweight and obese children
and adolescents are relatively often studied in the context of family or health, the so much
needed studies of academic context in these children and adolescents are rare. This deficiency
is particularly noticeable for the pre-school
and younger school children with overweight
and obesity.
The knowledge of the different way of education and of the relatively large limitation of
the participation in school events due to the physical limitation in part of adolescents with
extreme obesity seems to be important, too.
In conclusion, despite the fact that the research in the above-mentioned
(and especially
academic) contexts is rather in the beginning, some specifics of coping strategies were
observed in both groups of children and adolescents. As some results are already practically
usable, it will be appropriate to continue in such oriented studies.
Coping strategies, children and adolescents, overweight, obesity, stigma.