Psychologie a její kontexty, Vol.10, No.2

DOI: 10.15452/PsyX.2019.10.0015

Psychologické charakteristiky ako prediktory výdavkov turistov: predvýskum u študentov a pilotné overenie u návštevníkov športového podujatia

Psychological Characteristics as Predictors of Tourist Spending: Pre-research on a Sample of Students and Pilot Verification in Visitors of a Sporting Event

Jozef Džuka, Róbert Štefko

Vzťah osobnosti, motivácie a osobných hodnôt k výdavkom študentov (N = 150), ktoré súvisia s ich voľným časom, bol zisťovaný pomocou rozsiahleho dotazníka (135 položiek). U žien žiadna z piatich osobnostných vlastností, ani motivácia s výškou výdavkov na voľný čas nekorelovala. Regresnou analýzou boli identifikované ako signifikantné prediktory štyri z 19 zisťovaných osobných hodnôt: hedonizmus, mať zdroje moci, úsilie o úspešnosť a konformnosť zameraná na dodržiavanie pravidiel. U mužov bola situácia odlišná: signifikantný vzťah k výdavkom mala sociabilita (facet extraverzie) a úzkosť (facet negatívnej emocionality), frustrácia potreby spolupatričnosti a potreby autonómie (dve bazálne psychologické potreby). Na základe týchto analýz bolo možné skrátiť dotazník na 26 položiek. V druhom pilotnom výskume bol zisťovaný efekt identifikovaných potenciálnych prediktorov výdavkov u návštevníkov športového podujatia (N = 58) skráteným dotazníkom. Očakávané vzťahy psychologických charakteristík a výšky výdavkov sa u žien nepotvrdili a u mužov čiastočne: Frustrácia potreby spolupatričnosti a potreby autonómie a hodnota úspešnosť ako cieľ, korelovali signifikantne negatívne s výškou výdavkov. Diskutovaný je chýbajúci vzťah veľkej časti zvolených psychologických charakteristík k výdavkom a uvedené sú východiská pre budúci výskum.

Klíčová slova:
psychologické charakteristiky, výdavky na voľný čas, výdavky turistov.

Psychological research on tourist spending is rare, although econometric research recognizes the importance of unexplored psychological factors. However, psychological variables are missing in the current predictive models of tourist spending in addition to economic, socio-demographic and travel-related variables. The article presents an attempt to verify personality, motivation and personal values as expenditure predictors. METHOD. Since research involving tourists is organizationally and financially demanding, an investigation of psychological factors related to leisure time of students (N = 150) was carried out first. Following the results of the analyses, the effect of identified potential expenditure predictors of the visitors attending a particular sporting event was tested in a second pilot study involving a smaller sample (N = 58). Three psychological characteristics of students were investigated using an extensive questionnaire (135 items). On the basis of correlation analysis, it was possible to conclude that none of the five personality traits nor motivation correlated with the level of leisure time spending for women. Using regression analysis, only four of the 19 personality values were identified as predictors: the higher the score for hedonism (b =.37), for the value of having power resources (b =.16) and for the efforts to be successful (b =.20), the higher leisure time spending; compliance with rules was inversely related to leisure time spending (b = = - .28). For men, the situation was different: sociability (from extraversion) and anxiety (from negative emotionality) were related to the amount of leisure time spending – the higher the sociability rate, the higher the spending, and the higher the anxiety, the lower the spending. The second significant predictor was the frustration of the need for relatedness and the need for autonomy: the higher the frustration of both needs, the lower the spending. Based on these results it was possible to compile a shortened version of the questionnaire, which enabled us to verify the assumption that the identified psychological characteristics related to students’ leisure time would be related to the amount of spending among a sporting event visitors. The questionnaire measured 4 values (12 items), 2 facets of personality (8 items), and 2 frustrated needs (6 items) – a total of 26 items. The expected relationships between psychological characteristics and the amount of spending were not confirmed for women, and only partly for men. The frustration of the need for relatedness (r = -.35) and the need for autonomy (r = -.35) as motivation variables and the success value (r = -.31) correlated significantly negatively with the amount of spending: the more frustrated the need for relatedness and the need for autonomy were, the lower the spending rate, and similarly, the more a person was oriented towards personal success, the lower the spending rate. The fact that the identified psychological characteristics for women had no relation to the amount of their spending, and only three of all the characteristics for men had a negative relation to it may be related to the tourism type under study. In other types, such as cultural tourism, nature tourism, etc., the effect of the characteristics examined may be manifested. Therefore, in further research it will be advisable to take into account, for example, the specificity of personal values and the relevant type of tourism. Alternative explanation: the psychological characteristics chosen to have generally low predictive power in relation to spending in all types of tourism, and therefore other psychological characteristics such as, for example, thrift or generosity need to be sought after and tested in a pilot research. Attempts to propose a predictive model of spending factors in the field of tourism which would include psychological factors of spending are so far dependent on results of further pilot research.

psychological characteristics, leisure time spending, spending in tourism.