OU CZ Psychology and its contexts

Psychology and its Contexts, 11 (1), 2020

Editorial (PDF)


Life Transitions in Adulthood from a Life Course Perspective: a review study
Millová, K.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF) | DOI: 10.15452/PsyX.2020.11.0001


Self-Esteem and Coping Strategies of Educational High School Adolescents
Pašková, L., Valihorová, M.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF) | DOI: 10.15452/PsyX.2020.11.0002

Memory Test for Bilingual Children with Hungarian as Their First Language: psychometric characteristics assessment
Szalatnyaiová, E., Jurásová, K. I.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF) | DOI: 10.15452/PsyX.2020.11.0003

The Problematic Pupil and Problematic Behaviour from the Perspective of School Prevention Methodology Specialists
Petrek, N., Martanová, V. P.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF) | DOI: 10.15452/PsyX.2020.11.0004

School Fears and Employment-related Fears in the Young Adulthood Period
Kohoutová, A., Lacinová, L.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF) |DOI: 10.15452/PsyX.2020.11.0005

The Relation between Self-criticism, Shame and Quality of Life in Adults
Penzešová, L., Jurišová, E.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF) | DOI: 10.15452/PsyX.2020.11.0006

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