Life Transitions in Adulthood from a Life Course Perspective: a review study
Millová, K.
Self-Esteem and Coping Strategies of Educational High School Adolescents
Pašková, L., Valihorová, M.
Memory Test for Bilingual Children with Hungarian as Their First Language: psychometric characteristics assessment
Szalatnyaiová, E., Jurásová, K. I.
The Problematic Pupil and Problematic Behaviour from the Perspective of School Prevention Methodology Specialists
Petrek, N., Martanová, V. P.
School Fears and Employment-related Fears in the Young Adulthood Period
Kohoutová, A., Lacinová, L.
The Relation between Self-criticism, Shame and Quality of Life in Adults
Penzešová, L., Jurišová, E.