Self-care Strategies among Risky Profession Workers
Vasková, K.
Personal Values and Value Systems of Humanities Students and Workers
Křeménková, L.
Adjustment Problems and Residential Care Environment
Novotný, J. S.
Attachment Representation as Predictor of Internalizing Problems in Middle Childhood
Halamová, M., Popelková, M.
Differences In Self-concept in Children and Adolescents in the Czech Republic Based On Their Age and Sex
Orel, M., Obereignerů, R., Reiterová, E., Malůš, M., Fac, O.
Systematic Approaches to Data Analysis from the Critical Decision Method
Sedlár, M.
Creation of the Physical Appearance and the Body Image Rating Scale for the Czech Context
Šrámková, L., Cakirpaloglu, P.
Students Scientific Conference of the Depatment of Psychology, Faculty of Arts OU, 4. 3. 2015
Vašutová, M.
The List of the Reviewers of Manuscripts Sent to Psychology and its Contexts in 2015
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