OU CZ Psychology and its contexts

Psychology and its Contexts, 8 (1), 2017

Editorial (PDF)


Contextualizing psychological testing in Ghana
Seth Oppong

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF)

Family Communication Patterns
Hacek, J.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF)


Satisfaction as a mediator of the task-specific self-efficacy and performance relationship
Voženílek, D., Rabelová, A., Gregorovič, A., Procházková, M., Šindelářová, P., Vaculík1, M., Procházka, J.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF)

Personality and lifestyle of seniors at the age of 65-75 years
Hátlová, B., Fleischmann, O., Chytrý, V.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF)

Coping with stress situations by nursing personnel in the hospitals and hospices
Marešová, L., Třešlová, M.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF)

Performance of bilingual individuals in psychodiagnostic testing of cognitive abilities using their first and second languages
Momková, E., Jurásová, E. I.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF)

Boys don´t cry: Male depression through gender lensn
Žilinská, M.,Smitková, H.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF)


Mezinárodní studentské psychologické dny 2017
(Mlčák, Z.)

Fulltext (PDF)

Konference k Mezinárodnímu dni porozumění autismu 2017
(Panáček, M.)

Fulltext (PDF)

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