Big Five, perception of load and subjective health
Paulík, K.
Processual relationship between PRVA method and encountering in art-philetic approach
Závora, J., Hornofová, P.
Motivation, intensity and duration of volunteer activities
Mlčák, Z., Šamajová, J.
Preparing for ageing process in the context of self-control and self care: research results
Ráczová, B., Marhevská, G.
Arousability and Dispositional optimism in cyclists with a disability in the context of substance abuse
Nosková, A., Záškodná, H.
Verification of applicability of american MMPI-A norms for the Slovak population
Vavrová, M., Máthé, R., Popelková, M.
Didactic and psychological aspects of teaching psychology in high schools
Vašutová, M., Schneiderová, A.
Aronson E., Aronson J.: Tvor společenský. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2012. 473 stran. ISBN 978-80-7357-891-6
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Buchtová, B., Šmajs, J., Boleloucky, Z.: Nezaměstnanost. 2. Přepracované a aktualizované vydání. Praha: Grada Publishing. 187 stran. ISBN978-80-247-4282-3
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Student Research Conference of the Department of Psychology FF OU 2013
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