OU CZ Psychology and its contexts

Psychology and its Contexts, 4 (2), 2013

Editorial (PDF)

Research studies

Emotional intelligence in relation to situation-specific coping
Baumgartner, F., Wirtz, Z.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF)

Attachment as correlate of coping with quarells in romantic relantionship
Halama, P., Mazureková, J.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF)

Negative effects of playing Massive-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games and gaming addiction at Czech and Slovak players
Novotný, J. S., Pressenová, M.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF)

The importance of imitation factors, physical attractiveness and type of forwarded content in the activation of pro-social behavior
Szuster, A.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF)

The image of God in adult children from disfunctional families
Vavreková, E., Wiœniewska, A. K., Tokarski, S.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF)

Impairment of Self-control and its manifestations in Continuous Word Association Test
Marhevská, G., Lovaš, L.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF)

Methodological studies

"Mixed methods" as a research strategy in psychological research into quality of life
Džuka, J.

Abstract | Fulltext (PDF)


Giddens, A.: Proměna intimity: sexualita, láska a erotika v moderních společnostech. Praha: Portál, 2012. 215 str. ISBN: 978-80-262-0175-5
Nakonečný, M.

Fulltext (PDF)

Mentzos, S.: Přehled psychodynamiky. Funkce psychických poruch. Praha: Portál, 2012. 287 str. ISBN 978-80-262-0018-5
Nakonečný, M.

Fulltext (PDF)


20th National Conference of the CMPS Section of Health Psychology with international participation, 17th to 19th May 2013 Vernirovice
Paulík, K.

Fulltext (PDF)

The List of the Reviewers of Manuscripts Sent to Psychology & Its Contexts in 2013: download here.

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